Glasgow Times

Driver faces jail after crash injuries


A DRINK driver is facing jail after he put his girlfriend in hospital when he lost control, speeding and crashed his car.

Steven Carlin’s Alfa Romeo hit the kerb and spun round, smacking into another car, which was also damaged.

The boozed-up 34-year-old and his then-girlfriend Ashley McCann, 26, had to be rescued by the fire brigade at Great Western Road.

She suffered a host of injuries including multiple rib fractures, collapsed lungs and a cut liver and kidney and was in hospital for more than a month.

Carlin, from Towerhill Road, Knightswoo­d, admitted at the city’s sheriff court to causing serious injury to Miss McCann on March 17, 2015 by driving dangerousl­y at excessive speed and under the influence of alcohol. He also admitted having no MOT certificat­e on the car and no insurance policy in place.

The court heard Carlin was driving the car around 1am on the day of the incident.

Procurator fiscal depute Harry Findlay said: “The accused was driving at a speed in excess of the speed limit, he lost control such that the passenger side wheel collided with the kerb.

“The vehicle spun round and collided with a black Skoda car, then the vehicle came to rest.”

People from nearby houses who saw the incident contacted the emergency services.

Mr Findlay added: “Both the accused and passenger required to be removed by the fire brigade.”

They were both then taken to hospital, with Carlin himself suffering a fractured pelvis and ribs.

Defence lawyer Tony Callahan said that Miss McCann made a “remarkable” recovery and although they aren’t together anymore, are still on good terms.

He told the court his client wasn’t aware his MOT had lapsed and that as a consequenc­e his insurance wasn’t valid.

Sheriff Johanna Johnston QC deferred sentence until next month.

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