Glasgow Times



THE last time we saw Alfred (David Dawson), he was hiding in a swamp with Uhtred (Alexander Dreymon). In the series one finale, the two characters came together to take on the Danes, who have conquered almost all the kingdoms in the realm.

So, what will Alfred find on the road in season two, as he sets his sights on the wild lands of the north?

Well, for starters, he finds a lot of suffering. With no army to defend them, his people were left to fend for themselves, and many of them lost their wealth and lives due to raids by the Danes and others.

But Alfred’s conviction to create a united England is stronger than ever, and he targets the wild lands of the north, which have fallen into chaos and rebellion.

Uhtred, meanwhile, went through a subtle transforma­tion in series one.

The warrior’s fiery temper cooled a little and during his time with Alfred in the marshlands, he also felt sympathy for him on account of the suffering of the king’s child.

The character was willing to learn and change after his interactio­ns with the Saxons, but this change is unlikely to be welcome to many of the other Danes.

So Alfred and Uhtred now have to find a way to fight back the Danes, and the latter also embarks on a voyage north to avenge Earl Ragnar’s death and recapture his ancestral lands of Bebbanburg.

The pair’s main nemesis this time around looks to be Guthrum (Thomas W Gabrielsso­n), Ubba’s second-in- command who is both intelligen­t, ruthless and unhinged.

This bloody Viking vs Saxon series is adapted by Baftanomin­ated and RTS awardwinni­ng writer Stephen Butchard from Bernard Cornwell’s bestsellin­g series of novels. It is set in the ninth century at a time when many of the separate kingdoms of England have fallen to the invading Vikings, with only the great kingdom of Wessex left standing and defiant under the command of King Alfred the Great.

The emotionall­y complex and compelling landscape of revenge, rivalry, hostility, corruption, love, sex, loyalty and friendship forms the backdrop to a gripping adventure, and such has been its popularity overseas, this second series has seen Netflix climb aboard to co-produce the series along with the BBC.

Dreymon (American Horror Story) and Dawson (Peaky Blinders) return as the two leads, and they are reunited with Emily Cox (Homeland), who stars as Brida, Ian Hart (Boardwalk Empire) who plays Beocca and Tobias Santelmann (Marcella) as Ragner the Younger from the first series.

Meanwhile, Thure Lindhardt (The Bridge), Millie Brady (Legend), Peter McDonald (Thirteen) and Richard Rankin (From Darkness) all join the cast.

The Last Kingdom has been described as “the thinking person’s Game of Thrones”.

And although the series may not ever be a popular as that – let’s not forget it is a historical drama rather than a fantasy series – it certainly fills the gap for viewers thirsty for battles, gore, hairy warriors with swords, people claiming to be kings, and famous actors meeting grisly ends.

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