Glasgow Times

Professor learns live TV is just child’s play


LIVE TV, it can be a cruel mistress. So unforgivin­g with absolutely no second chances, but when something goes so very wrong, more times than not it’s nothing short of hilarious.

That’s exactly what happened earlier this week when Professor Robert Kelly was giving a live interview on the BBC. The professor of political science was discussing South Korea when all of a sudden the door behind him swung open and in danced a small child, playfully creeping up behind her father.

Literally moments later a baby then came belting into the room in a walker followed swiftly by their terrified mother who looked like her entire life was flashing before her eyes.

She quickly grabbed both children and dragged them out of the room before crawling along the floor to shut the door tight.

Now remember this is all happening live on TV and a startled Robert Kelly tried his best to compute what had just happened before profession­ally carrying on with the interview as if nothing had really happened.

However of course this is 2017 and nothing, and I mean nothing, stays quiet for long thanks to that big bad thing called the internet.

Within minutes the clip had been uploaded and shared millions of times all across the globe thanks to various social media sites.

The family became an online smash hit complete with their own memes.

My personal favourite was Prime Minister Theresa May as Prof Kelly and First Minister Nicola Sturgeon as the little girl creeping up behind her.

It appeared online just after Ms Sturgeon made her big announceme­nt at Bute House (don’t worry I’m not going to start any Indyref 2 chat, well not just yet anyway).

A few days later the professor and his family gave a cute interview all together to show how happy they were and how they’d managed to see the funny side of things because, let’s face it, in a situation like that what can you do but laugh it off.

It’s a tale as old as time and it’s been happening since the dawn of television from the infamous elephant who pooped on Blue Peter in 1969, to Judy Finnigan’s dress when it make a bid for freedom southwards and exposed her golden globes, shall we say, at the 2000 National Television Awards.

And more recently there was diva Mariah Carey’s epic lip sync fail at America’s biggest New Year’s Eve Party.

Now, I need to hold my hands up and say I love Mariah mainly because she’s the woman, who because of her diva antics, gave us the headline, “Not so Crazy In Love? Mariah Carey ‘threw laptop out of the window and ran away screaming’ after fiancé James Packer played a Beyoncé Song”. In my opinion, that was surely the headline of 2016.

Anyway live TV does indeed offer no second chances as I know only too well myself from personal experience.

From describing the Justin Bieber phenomenon of the time as Beaver Fever instead of Bieber Fever or when a wee tortoise decided to go to the toilet in my hand while I was holding the wee devil for a vet spot we had on STV’s The Hour, it’s pretty embarrassi­ng when it all goes wrong with a camera staring you square in the eye balls.

Most of the time though it is just hilarious to watch and Robert Kelly and his family made millions of people all over the world smile, especially those who work from home and have young children.

Now that will be some video to show his kids on their 18th birthday. The day they crashed daddy’s interview live on the BBC. That’s definitely one off the bucket list.

IWANT to wish everyone a happy St Patrick’s Day. I’ll be heading out tonight with my leprechaun hat on and sampling a Guinness or two to celebrate one of my favourite days of the year.

I hope you all have great one although I doubt I’ll be feeling top of the morning come Saturday.

 ?? Picture: BBC News ?? Professor Robert Kelly’s live interview on the BBC was interrupte­d by his children
Picture: BBC News Professor Robert Kelly’s live interview on the BBC was interrupte­d by his children

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