Glasgow Times

SCALES OF JUSTICE Veranda thief in 11th-floor angel raid


A MAN stole to angel ornaments worth £2 from his neighbour’s veranda, a court has heard.

Scott Ross Wallace, 25, appeared in the dock at Glasgow Sheriff Court for sentencing after pleading guilty to the offence.

He admitted that he stole a quantity of ornaments from the veranda of the flat in Maryhill’s Wyndford Road on November 19, last year.

The Procurator Fiscal depute told the court that police officers were on mobile patrol duty in the area at around 12.15pm when they were made aware of a disturbanc­e at the flats.

When they immediatel­y attended, they saw the accused in the veranda and he was in possession of two angel ornaments. The court heard the value was £2.

The court heard he appeared to be climbing back into his own neighbouri­ng veranda. His flat is on the 11th floor of the building.

He was cautioned and charged, and made no reply.

Wallace defence agent told the court that drink had been consumed prior to the offence.

He also said his client had no other difficulti­es with his neighbour since the incident.

Wallace, of Wyndford Road, Maryhill, was told to carry out unpaid work as an alternativ­e to a fine. He will complete 75 hours of unpaid work in the community within three months.

This was reduced from 90 hours of unpaid work because he plead guilty early.

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