Glasgow Times

MND sufferer’s battle after being left in housing ‘limbo’


A DAD-of-three with a terminal illness faces spending his final years in a cramped living room after being caught in housing limbo.

Gary Johnston, 42, was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease in August last year, leaving him confined to a bed at his home in Milton.

The disease claimed the life of Celtic legend Jimmy Johnstone, while former Rangers star Fernando Ricksen is battling MND.

His wife, Rosalind, 42, who currently provides round the clock care, is fighting to get the family out of their private let and into an adapted home.

To accommodat­e Gary’s needs, a hospital bed has been installed in the family living room, where Rosalind sleeps on the couch.

Their youngest daughter, two-year-old Paige, also stays in the living room with them.

Rosalind said: “I’ve had to move into the living room to look after Gary throughout the night so me and my twoyear-old are currently sleeping on the couch under a draughty window. Her health is suffering because of it and I don’t know how much longer we can stay here.

“We’re in desperate need of an adapted house to get all the proper equipment in like a hoist and walk-in shower but we need to stay in Milton because my sister’s are here and can help out if I ever need it.”

The family have applied for more suitable accommodat­ion through the Glasgow Housing Associatio­n. They will have to follow due process, which includes a long wait and bidding on properties.

Rosalind is worried time will run out before the family can get settled into a new home. She added: “I’m fighting two battles, one with Gary’s illness and one with housing. I don’t want him to live like this and Gary wants us to be settled so when the time comes, he knows we’re going to be okay.”

Councillor Billy McAllister has been working with the couple to resolve the situation.

He said: “Gary is entitled to a quality of life and dignity. I believe GHA, as a social landlord, have a moral obligation to look after people in need and show some compassion. I intend to follow the case up with them.”

A GHA spokeswoma­n said: “We‘re really sympatheti­c to Mr and Mrs Johnston’s situation and we are doing everything we can to help. We have given them the highest possible priority on our waiting list, and are in touch with them every week to help them find a suitable home in Milton.

“We’re continuing to help Mr and Mrs Johnstone look at all their options, including finding a home with Glasgow’s other social landlords, renting privately and swapping with another tenant.”

 ??  ?? Gary and Rosalind’s home is no longer suitable after they received his MND diagnosis, which claimed the life of Jimmy Johnstone, above right, and Fernando Ricksen, top right, continues to battle
Gary and Rosalind’s home is no longer suitable after they received his MND diagnosis, which claimed the life of Jimmy Johnstone, above right, and Fernando Ricksen, top right, continues to battle
 ??  ?? Rosalind, with Gary and her sisters, Helen Cunningham, left, and Lilian Bennett, right Pictures: Colin Mearns
Rosalind, with Gary and her sisters, Helen Cunningham, left, and Lilian Bennett, right Pictures: Colin Mearns

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