Glasgow Times

Wecanblock Tories: Nicola


Political Correspond­ent THE SNP can stop Theresa May winning a majority in Thursday’s election according to Nicola Sturgeon.

The SNP leader said another five years of Tory government was “not palatable” and said another SNP success like two years ago could be the deciding factor.

Ms Sturgeon was campaignin­g in Bishopbrig­gs in the East Dunbartons­hire seat which the Liberal Democrats are looking to reclaim.

She said: “There’s no doubt with polls narrowing in the rest of the UK whether or not Theresa May gets a majority, or a bigger majority, could come down to the outcome in Scotland.

“Given the narrowing of the polls in the rest of the UK, there is now every chance that a vote for the SNP can deny the Tories the crushing victory that they so arrogantly predicted at the start of the campaign.

“Indeed, some polls now indicate Scotland could be pivotal in decid- ing this election, with the issue of how big a Tory majority is - or whether they have one at all - decided here.”

The SNP is trying to defend the 56 seats it won in 2015 but is under pressure from the Conservati­ves in some seats and from Labour and the LibDems in others.

Ms Sturgeon said the danger is the Tories win seats, enough to give Theresa May another, even larger, majority at Westminste­r.

She added: “A Tory government with a larger majority would cut pensions, impose a dementia tax, hit family incomes and put a million more children into poverty.

“They will slash spending on our public services, fail to support our NHS and they will embark on a chaotic, extreme Brexit that will cost jobs and cut wages.”

The First Minister said with polls showing a narrowing of the gap between Labour and the Tories in England, the outcome of the election and whether there is a Tory majority or not could be decided in Scotland.

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