Glasgow Times

Missy role still shocks city star


DOCTOR Who star Michelle Gomez has said she still cannot believe she got her role as villainous Missy on Doctor Who, after she was unavailabl­e for an earlier part in the show.

Gomez, who has played the character since 2014, thought she had missed her chance to be in the sci-fi show because she was not free to audition for Ms Delphox, who was eventually played by Keeley Hawes.

She said: “I was offered an audition for Ms Delphox, the villain in Time Heist, but I wasn’t available. I thought that was my only chance to be on the new Doctor Who and I was gutted.

“So I was moved to write to Steven (Moffat, the show boss) saying I was such a huge fan and if in the future if he ever needed someone for a razor-cheek-boned villainess, then it’s me.

“I didn’t think any more about it until my agent called and said, ‘You’d better sit down’.”

In May, Gomez, from Glasgow, announced she is following in the footsteps of Peter Capaldi and Moffat and is quitting the show.

At the time she said she did not want to carry on without her two colleagues and has joked it is no coincidenc­e all three of them are Scottish.

She said: “It’s no coincidenc­e – it’s a plot. Me, Peter and Steven are all basically from the same city.

“It’s because Gallifrey actually looks a lot like Glasgow. The Weegie sense of humour and attitude did give us almost a shorthand to communicat­e with – it’s a little bit of extra chemistry.”

Meanwhile, co-star Peter Capaldi has said his regenerati­on as the Time Lord will be “more complicate­d than recent ones”.

The Glasgow-born actor will step down from the role after the Christmas special and another actor is expected to take his place, but Capaldi has said it will not be an easy process.

He said: “I know what happens, but I don’t know how it happens. Certainly it’s not straightfo­rward.”

 ??  ?? Michelle Gomez is quitting Doctor Who after three years
Michelle Gomez is quitting Doctor Who after three years

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