Glasgow Times

Paranoidma­nswamthe Clyde and attacked cops


A MAN assaulted two police officers after he swam the River Clyde to get away from people he thought were going to attack him.

Graham Hancock jumped into the river and swam from the Carmyle side over to the Cambuslang after he took a paranoid turn at a party.

The court heard that the 26-year-old had gone to a football match then attended the get together in the Carmyle area of the city.

At the party he consumed alcohol and then went on to take cocaine.

The court went on to hear that other people attended the gathering and Hancock believed one of them had a knife.

This caused him to flee from the party and to get further away he jumped in to the river and swam over to the other side.

The procurator fiscal went on to say that this is where Hancock, of Henderson Avenue in Cambuslang, began to chap people’s doors asking for help.

When people answered the door he said: “Sorry to bother you, will you let me in?

“I’m freezing and I have been in the Clyde.”

One resident refused to let him in but said they would call the police to provide support for him.

Whe the police arrived they put him in the back of a car and gave him jackets to put on.

Then when one officer approached Hancock, he punched him on the head – causing a cut just above his eye.

In a struggle with the officers, he also attempted to bite another officer on the hand.

He was then taken to Cathcart Police Office.

Hancock admitted that on October 23, last year, at Collie Wynd in Cambuslang he assaulted a police officer by punching him on the head to his injury and permanent disfigurem­ent.

He also admitted that on the same date at Ewe Avenue, Cambuslang, he assaulted another officer by attempting to bite him on the hand.

Hancock’s defending solicitor said that his client was in a paranoid state after taking drugs and genuinely feared for his safety.

He was fined £800 and ordered to pay £500 compensati­on to the officer he punched on the head.

 ??  ?? Hancock was sentenced at Glasgow Sheriff Court
Hancock was sentenced at Glasgow Sheriff Court

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