Glasgow Times

SCALES OF JUSTICE £3000 worth of damage after hotel trashed


A LANDSCAPE gardener caused £3000 worth of damage after he trashed a hotel.

Kieran Stewart was sentenced at Glasgow Sheriff Court after breaking several items at the Dakota Deluxe Hotel on West Regent Street – including a statue.

The court heard the 20-year-old was arrested along with a female who was with him at the time.

Stewart admitted that on January 7 at the Dakota Deluxe Hotel he behaved in a threatenin­g and abusive manner by shouting, swearing and banging on doors and walls.

He also admitted that on the same day at the same place he damaged property belonging to the hotel by pushing over a statue, causing it to break, struck a TV, and threw items about the room by which broke a TV, a coffee maker a bottle and a quantity of glass.

The procurator fiscal said the man from Edinburgh was not cautioned and charged at the time due to his aggressive behaviour and level of intoxicati­on. His solicitor said Stewart and the hotel had come to an agreement to compensate for some of the damages.

Sentencing Sheriff Wood said: “You are not welcome back here. Going in to a hotel and smashing it up is an absolute disgrace.”

Stewart was placed under supervisio­n for a year and ordered to carry out 150 hours of unpaid work.

He was also ordered to pay £600 a compensati­on and was also tagged for four months.

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