Glasgow Times

Scottish Muslims urged to ‘remain calm’ after attack


SCOTTISH Muslims have been urged to remain vigilant in the wake of the terror attack which targeted worshipper­s leaving a mosque in London.

The Muslim Council of Scotland condemned the attack which happened early yesterday near the Finsbury Park Mosque in North London while the area was busy with worshipper­s attending Ramadan night prayers.

As reported in last night’s homes delivery editions, one man died and several others were injured including eight people who were taken to hospital. Witnesses described hearing a white man shout: “I’m going to kill Muslims” before he drove his van at them.

The man held by police over the attack was yesterday identified as 47-year-old father-of-four Darren Osborne, from Cardiff.

In a statement, the Muslim Council for Scotland said: “This attack was aimed directly at the vibrant Muslim community during the Month of Ramadan at a time when many families would have been returning home after night time prayers.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims, the injured and anyone affected by this tragedy. Our heart goes out to the people of London who have been through so much in the last few months and are still waiting for news on many friends and family in the Grenfell Tower tragedy.”

The statement continued: “This attack goes to show how hate and terrorism has no religion or face.

“The motive of these people is to spread division. We would urge members of the community to remain calm at this time and go about their everyday business but to take some extra precaution­s if travelling alone or after dark. There is no need to be alarmed but we must remain vigilant. Together, as a united community, we can defeat those who seek to divide us.”

Meanwhile, the Moderator of the Church of Scotland Rt Rev Dr Derek Browning has also condemned the attack on Muslim worshipper­s.

He said: “All acts of brutality and terrorism are to be condemned. Such actions targeting people leaving a place of worship after prayers are particular­ly disturbing.

“At times like this all people of faith and goodwill join together peaceably, compassion­ately and prayerfull­y with those caught up in the events of Finsbury Park. We remember also all victims of terrorism here and across the world.”

 ??  ?? A police officer lays some flowers passed over by a member of the public, along with other tributes, close to Finsbury Park Mosque in London
A police officer lays some flowers passed over by a member of the public, along with other tributes, close to Finsbury Park Mosque in London

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