Glasgow Times

Tell truth on status of our ‘lost village’


RESIDENTS of Glasgow’s “lost village” claim Glasgow City Council has failed to protect the unique community.

In 2002 the tiny South Side area of First, Second, Third and Fourth Gardens in Dumbreck, was deemed a Conservati­on Area.

But local delight has turned to frustratio­n and anger as promises made, they claim, have not materialis­ed.

They claim they have not received grant funding they are entitled to and that Glasgow City Council has not processed planning applicatio­ns correctly.

Derek Maclean, chairman of the Hazelwood Residents Associatio­n, said: “We didn’t ask for conservati­on status – we were approached by the council’s heritage and design department.

“They promised us funding to keep our properties at the standards required for a conservati­on area and other things such as a plaque and new street lighting.

“These have never materialis­ed.”

The Evening Times told in May 2002 of residents’ delight as the area was designated a conservati­on area by the council’s department of heritage and design.

Resident Elsie Corney described the 36 bungalows at the time as “like Brigadoon.”

Glasgow housebuild­er George Hamilton bought much of the land of Hazelwood House, which is now a listed building, in 1913.

He laid out First, Second, Third and Fourth Gardens.

Hazelwood House was bought in 2008 by the Dawliffe Hall Educationa­l Foundation (DHEF), a religious education charity whose spiritual work is carried out by Opus Dei, the infamous branch of the Catholic Church.

A design statement from May 9, 2008, from architect Anne Dickinson states the charity will restore and maintain the building while hosting events.

Currently, Hazelwood House offers retreats, workshops and children’s groups.

One six-day workshop, SMART, is aimed at profession­al women with classes such as cookery skills, image tips and “how to be happy waiting for Mr Right.”

Locals say they are angry that Hazelwood House was given public funding while their requests for help with renovation­s have been refused.

Glasgow City Heritage Trust, a charity supported by Glasgow City Council, is responsibl­e for giving grants.

A spokeswoma­n for Glasgow City Heritage Trust said that, since the organisati­on was founded in 2007, it has invested £16,164 in building repairs in Hazelwood.

She would not say how much grant money had been awarded to Hazelwood House.

Dawliffe’s accounts for 2012, the year the building was refurbishe­d, show that Hazelwood House received £5,100 in grants, although it does not specify from where the money was donated.

Calls to Dawliffe Hall Educationa­l Foundation (DHEF) were not returned.

Conservati­on Area status brings with it stricter planning requiremen­ts but residents claim the council has passed planning applicatio­ns that it should not.

Both applicatio­ns relate to one property in the village: one is from March 2017 for UPVC windows and another, granted in 2012, is for a single-storey extension to the property. Building works began in 2011 but were never completed.

Mr Maclean claims neither of these meet the strict criteria for the conservati­on area.

The resident’s associatio­n has now gathered a petition and are taking their complaint to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon tomorrow.

The residents associatio­n’s complaint is also now with the The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO).

A spokesman for the council said discussion­s around street lighting and a plaque were “advisory”.

He added: “Works were started earlier this year to implement the planning permission [from 2012] and these have been monitored with regular visits and discussion­s with the builder.

“Mr MacLean’s complaint regarding his perceived failure to take enforcemen­t action has been addressed through the Council’s complaints handling procedure.”

 ??  ?? Residents of Hazelwood conservati­on area pictured on Fourth Gardens Picture: Colin Mearns
Residents of Hazelwood conservati­on area pictured on Fourth Gardens Picture: Colin Mearns

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