Glasgow Times

Last-ditch bid to save ward


FAMILIES will meet the Health Secretary this week in a lastgasp attempt to halt the closure of a children’s ward.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde voted earlier this year to shut ward 15 of the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley by overwhelmi­ng majority of 20 votes to seven. The final decision now rests with Shona Robison.

The health board says children will have access to round-the-clock specialist care at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Glasgow.

Ms Robison is due to visit Ward 15 on Thursday to speak to staff and families who will be affected by the decision.

The Kids Need Our Ward campaigner­s, led by Carolann Davidson have already met with the Health Secretary after handing in a series of petitions with around 17,000 signatures.

Opponents claim staff are not being replaced in the ward but the health board said any gaps are due to a UK shortage of paediatric nurses.

Carolann said: “We pushed for a timescale of when a decision will be made as to the future of Ward 15, but were told she still has ‘a lot of informatio­n to gather and it will be when it will be’. We also asked the minister if she would be prepared to visit some families with children with severe complex needs at home, as they are unable to go to meetings.

“She agreed that this could be arranged at a later date.

“We raised our concerns with Ms Robison that the health board appears to be running Ward 15 down, by not replacing staff.

“The minister replied that, Jean Grant, CEO of NHSGGC has assured her that the ward is being staffed to best capacity.

“However, Kids Need our Ward has serious concerns that the health board will try to present Ward 15 as not running to its full capacity, during the minister’s visit.”

A spokeswoma­n for NHSGGC said: “We are currently trying hard to fill all our paediatric vacancies. There is a shortage of paediatric nurses right across the UK and there is the extra pressure during the school summer holiday period of staff going on holiday.

“Ward 15 is continuing to operate seven days a week, although staffing levels across our paediatric wards are being kept under review.”

The Health Secretary is also due to make a decision on the fate of Lightburn Hospital in Glasgow.

 ??  ?? Carolann Davidson, second from left, with fellow campaigner­s, Jack Davidson, Sandra Webster and Karen Meikle, wants a final decision on the ward’s future
Carolann Davidson, second from left, with fellow campaigner­s, Jack Davidson, Sandra Webster and Karen Meikle, wants a final decision on the ward’s future

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