Glasgow Times

Heartmassa­gebrought puppy Rory back to life


A TINY chihuahua puppy was miraculous­ly brought back from the dead after a 20-minute heart massage.

Little Rory was stillborn and was lifeless and weighed only four ounces when he came into the world and was given little chance of survival by doctors. Mum-of-five Lynne McMillan, 44, and her family had been looking forward to the arrival of the pup for weeks.

But ahead of the due date things took a turn for the worse when Rory’s mum, Pixie, was rushed to a pet emergency hospital in Glasgow.

Staff told Lynne they couldn’t hear the puppy’s heartbeat and, with Pixie’s condition deteriorat­ing rapidly, they may be better served focusing on saving her life.

Lynne, from Kirkintill­och, East Dunbartons­hire, and her family feared Pixie wouldn’t survive her ordeal. She said: “The evening started well enough. We could see Pixie was in the early stages of labour and when we got a friend who knows about breeding dogs to have a look at her she said she looked just fine.

“She wasn’t distressed or panting, but as time went on I could see things were not right and as it was only 7am we phoned the Vets Now hospital and they said to come in so from then on it was panic stations.

“The vet did an ultrasound on Pixie and said the puppy’s heart was failing and that it probably wouldn’t survive,” she added.

“They needed to concentrat­e on mum because her blood pressure was low and she was sick as well.

“We left panicking about Pixie and then three or four hours later they rang to say the puppy was OK for now and we could come in while they were both still OK. “The kids were jumping for joy.” “We jumped in the car right away. We couldn’t believe it and when we got there we all had happy tears.”

Lynne was full of praise for staff and vet Emma Donnelly, who brought Rory back to life after the caesarean section birth. She said: “I can’t thank her enough for working on Rory for all that time before she got a heartbeat.”

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