Glasgow Times

Womenattac­kcouple after city shopping trip


TWO women admitted punching a couple after a shopping trip in Glasgow.

Laura Neil, 34, and Andrea Taylor, 28, were on the train heading back from a day out in the city centre when they assaulted a man and a woman at Crookston train station.

The train driver even intervened in an attempt to break up the fight.

Glasgow Sheriff Court heard that at 9pm a ticket conductor noticed both accused appeared to be arguing on the carriage.

When they arrived at Crookston train station the couple got up and waited for the doors to open.

Both accused then stood behind them and, as the doors opened, they pushed the couple to the ground of the platform and started to punch them.

Witnesses, including the driver of the train, then tried to intervene to split the four up.

The train driver said he left his post due to the ferocity of the assault.

Neil and Taylor then started to brag afterwards, saying: “I’d f***ing batter her and her man.”

They then made their way back to the train.

Police were called out and the pair were cautioned and charged.

The couple didn’t sustain any injuries as a result of the attack.

Neil and Taylor admitted that on July 2 last year at Crookston train station they assaulted a male train passenger by pushing him and repeatedly punching him on the head and body.

Both also admitted assaulting a female passenger by repeatedly punching her on the head and body.

The defending solicitors for Neil and Taylor said there was an element of provocatio­n which was accepted by the procurator fiscal. Neil’s defending solicitor said that the two friends had been out shopping in Glasgow and Neil, of Seedhill Road, Paisley, was under the influence of alcohol at the time.

The solicitor went on to say that if her client had been sober the incident would not have happened.

Taylor’s defending solicitor said this was an incident her client, of Kelburn Street, Barrhead, wishes she was never involved in.

Neil and Taylor were sentenced to carry out 100 hours of unpaid work as part of a Community Payback Order.

 ??  ?? Laura Neil and Andrea Taylor were returning from a day out when they assaulted a man and a woman at Crookston
Laura Neil and Andrea Taylor were returning from a day out when they assaulted a man and a woman at Crookston

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