Glasgow Times

Thug is jailed over assaults in library


Court Reporter A THUG who sucker-punched a man in Hillhead Library has been jailed for the atrocious attack.

Leighon-Jay Foxx fractured his 61-year-old victim’s jaw during the unprovoked assault and then hit another man so hard on the face his glasses fell off.

Fiscal depute Graham Macdonald told Glasgow Sheriff Court that the first complainer was using a computer in the library when the 27-year-old accused approached him.

Foxx claimed that he’d booked to use the machine, however the other man had also scheduled the same time.

When the complainer, 61, said he was using the computer, the accused replied: “No, I am.”

Foxx then punched the man – knocking him onto the ground and fracturing his jaw.

A member of the public chased the accused outside to Byres Road. Foxx then turned his anger towards the second man and punched him on the face, knocking the victim’s glasses off.

The police were called and the accused was arrested.

In response to the first assault, Foxx replied: “Sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

He also apologised for the second attack.

Foxx pleaded guilty to the two assaults, which took place on August 14, 2016.

He admitted pushing a man in Hillhead Library and punching him on the head – causing him to fall to the ground. He also admitted punching another man on the head when outside in Byres Road.

Foxx, who suffers from Asperger syndrome, was said to have a history of mental health issues but asked his lawyer not to use that as an excuse as he knew his behaviour was wrong and accepted full responsibi­lity.

Defending, Ashley Pollock admitted that the accused had a past conviction for violence but was a teenager in Nottingham at the time and claimed that this new angry outburst was “not something he ordinarily does”.

Miss Pollock told the court that Foxx now volunteers with the YMCA and encourages young people to reach their potential.

Sheriff Mary McCrory reprimande­d the accused: “This was an unprovoked assault on a man in a library who was severely injured.”

Seeing no option other than custody, Sheriff McCrory

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 ??  ?? The attack happened in Glasgow’s Hillhead Library, the court heard
The attack happened in Glasgow’s Hillhead Library, the court heard

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