Glasgow Times

MSP in call for council to reverse childcare fee hike

- BY STEWART PATERSON Political Correspond­ent

AN increase in childcare fees is “disgracefu­l” and should be reversed according to a city MSP.

Charges were raised in the council budget earlier this year from £2.54 to £4 per hour.

Johann Lamont, Labour Glasgow MSP has written to every councillor, MSP and MP in the city asking for them to back a bid to scrap the rise.

She said the increase is crippling the finances of many working parents in the city.

Ms Lamont said: “Mums and dads in Glasgow deserve the support of their elected representa­tives to put a halt to the unfair and unjust increase in childcare fees.

“The SNP continue to make bold claims about childcare yet we have parents across Glasgow worried how they will manage their family budgets or if they will manage to pay their bills at all.”

In the letter she states: “The level of increase being imposed on parents is disgracefu­l. In some cases it means parents paying up to an extra £200 per month.”

The council will provide 1140 free hours for all three and four year-olds and eligible two year olds by 2020.

But for those who have to pay the bills will increase.

Ms Lamont said he had been in contact with many parents angry at the increase.

One said: “I now have to find an additional £180 every four weeks to keep my daughter in nursery.

“If I reduce her hours I will have to reduce my working hours which would still leave me struggling to pay fees.”

The call comes as the Scottish Government announced a deal with councils to invest and extra £567m in free childcare across Scotland.

A Glasgow MSP said it is helping parents return to work and saving them hundreds of pounds.

It will increase the investment to an extra £567 a year by 2021/22 taking the cash to almost £1bn.

James Dornan, Cathcart SNP MSP said: “By almost doubling the availabili­ty of free childcare, parents will save hundreds of pounds a month and many will find it easier to return to work or to increase their working hours.”

Chris Cunningham, City Convener for Early Years, said: “A decision was taken at the budget to increase nursery charges from the new term in August to make council charges more aligned with partnershi­p provision as we all make a phased transition towards 1140 free hours for all 3 and 4 year olds and eligible 2 year olds by 2020.”

 ??  ?? Childcare costs in Glasgow have increased
Childcare costs in Glasgow have increased

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