Glasgow Times

Strikes will shut schools


GLASGOW schools are expected to close for two days due to strike action.

Council bosses said they are working to persuade unions to call off industrial action by unions fighting for equal pay.

PRIMARY schools across Glasgow are expected to close for two days as council workers go on strike.

Maureen McKenna, the city’s director of education services, has written to parents informing them of the closures on October 23 and 24.

More than 8,000 workers in Glasgow City Council will take part in the action over a failure by their employer to progress negotiatio­ns for the settlement of second wave equal pay claims.

It is expected that secondary schools will remain open while primary schools and nurseries will be closed.

GMB and Unison submitted notice of industrial action last week, confirming the two-day strike action.

The industrial action will affect home care, schools and nurseries, education and cleaning and catering services across the city.

A spokesman for Glasgow City Council said: “We held a meeting with the two unions this afternoon, which included a sensible discussion about cover for life and limb services, and plan to meet again later this week.”

GMB Scotland Organiser Rhea Wolfson said: “Our members are striking against decades of unresolved sex discrimina­tion and because they can see the same roadblocks to justice being put in place by council officials yet again.”

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