Glasgow Times

Social worker who copied clients’ personal data warned


A SOCIAL worker who removed copies of confidenti­al informatio­n from Glasgow City Council and sent private informatio­n about clients from a personal email address has been placed on a warning.

James Jeffrey took copies of two emails containing private informatio­n about the council’s service users, such as their full names, reference numbers and identified three clients as being involved with criminal justice social work on on December 13.

Mr Jeffrey, who was hired through the Harvey Nash Recruitmen­t Agency, made copies of email again on December 15, which contained the full name and reference number of a service user, as well as identified the individual as having been convicted of a criminal offence and their involvemen­t with criminal justice social work.

Then on March 5 last year, after his temporary placement at the council had ended, he sent copies of those emails to a member of GCC using his personal email address, which was unsecured.

Despite being asked on several occasions between March and May last year, Mr Jeffrey failed to return the email copies and refused to attend a meeting to return the documents after being told he would not be able to “raise any grievances” he had with this former employers.

The Scottish Social Services Council told Mr Jeffrey: “You failed to treat that confidenti­al informatio­n with respect. You had no right and no profession­al reason to retain the informatio­n.

“You placed your own needs above the service users’ right to privacy, which is a misuse of power and an abuse of position.”

Mr Jeffrey was given a 21 month warning and ordered to write a reflective account detailing how his actions fell short of standards, the potential negative consequenc­es and describe what he would do differentl­y.

A spokesman for Glasgow’s health and social care partnershi­p said: “This person no longer works for us. He was employed briefly as an agency worker and all appropriat­e checks were carried out prior to him starting. Staff must undertake mandatory data security training and are regularly reminded of its importance.”

Harvey Nash Recruitmen­t Agency could not be reached for comment.

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