Glasgow Times

Quadruple amputee Corinne reaches Kilimanjar­o summit


A MUM who had her hands and feet amputated following a sepsis infection has climbed Kilimanjar­o in an astonishin­g feat of endurance.

As told in the Evening Times, Corinne Hutton planned to overcome all obstacles to summit the world’s highest free-standing mountain.

Along with a group of supporters of Corinne’s charity, Finding Your Feet, she has completed the five-day ascent.

Corinne said: “I went into this to encourage people to be the best they possibly can be, to prove that I’m not ‘disabled’ and to raise money to support the amputee community.

“The support I’ve received from back home and from people all over has kept me going. I managed to see the incredible support coming in, and that’s what got me to the top.

“I knew the climb would be hard on prosthetic­s, and altitude may be a problem with only having one-and-a-third lungs.

“What I didn’t understand was how much it would take out of me every minute of the day, even when we weren’t climbing.

“Everyone that was with me was incredible.”

The 48-year-old is believed to be the first female quadruple amputee to make it to the top of the African mountain.

The mum-of-one suffered a bad cough in 2013, which turned out to be pneumonia – and then became a sepsis infection.

Corinne was given just a five per cent chance of survival, but her hands and feet had been starved of oxygen for so long that there was no choice other than amputation.

An operation to remove the majority of a lung in 2017 came months before the London Triathlon, but she refused to let that stop her and crossed the finish line in one hour and 52 minutes.

Accompanie­d by ten fundraiser­s, Corinne climbed the highest mountain in Africa, Mount Kilimanjar­o in Tanzania, which stands at 20,000ft above sea level.

Funds will be donated to a charity Corinne founded, Finding Your Feet, which helps amputees.

So far nearly £52,000 has been raised.

Corinne, who lives with her son Rory, aged 10, in Lochwinnoc­h, Renfrewshi­re, wants to prove that disability is no obstacle to achievemen­t. She said: “They’ve all done something fantastic for charity so they deserve a lot of credit.

“They were there to help me when I needed it.

“Hopefully this shows anyone, not just amputees, that you can go out and conquer your own mountain, whatever that may be.

“Now I’m looking forward to a shower.

“We’re all filthy, but on the plus side I don’t have fingers to run through my hair or any fingernail­s to get dirty.”

The team completed their ascent over the course of five days and began the descent on Sunday, October 7.

They will be in Tanzania until today, although some of the group returned back to Scotland yesterday.

Their training included taking part in the Kiltwalk in April and bagging a few Munros.

The fundraisin­g drive is still going. See mydonate.­s/ corsclimbi­ngkili to make a contributi­on.

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Corinne praised her group of supporters who joined her on the five-day feat of endurance
 ??  ?? Corinne Hutton during the epic challenge
Corinne Hutton during the epic challenge
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