Glasgow Times

Mum slams ‘filthy’ city hospital conditions


A MUM-OF-TWO has claimed she was left in conditions “unfit for animals” after being admitted to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital.

KellyAnn Stevenson, 38, from Cathkin, has been suffering from a blocked gallbladde­r for several months and was rushed to the £840 million super hospital by ambulance last Friday with her terrified young daughter travelling alongside her.

But despite being promised surgery, she alleged doctors left her in agony without giving her a scan, let alone an operation.

After going into hospital, KellyAnn’s condition worsened and she developed pancreatit­is so severe her urine turned black.

She told the Evening Times her room was dirty, with urine samples left in open bowls for several days in the bathroom and cotton wool stained with her own blood abandoned on the table whilst meals were served.

However, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde said staff endeavour to keep patients’ rooms clean at all times.

KellyAnn runs a business called Canine Campus, a food bank for dogs, and is a single mum with a six-year-old daughter and 12-year-old son.

“I work with animals and would never put them through this,” she said.

“It’s a bad day when NHS patients are being treated worse than a pet. I’ve been in constant pain and have been feeling queasy and sick.

“The room is filthy as well. It’s disgusting.”

The Glasgow businesswo­man is on morphine for the pain, but said there were not enough doctors to help out when the agony became too much to bear.

“Doctors and nurses are under so much pressure due to understaff­ing,” she said.

Michelle McMinn-Nundt, 57, from Denniston, works as a volunteer alongside KellyAnn.

“I was so upset seeing her when I visited,” she said.

“She is worse off now than when she went in on Friday, which is shocking considerin­g it’s a new hospital and everything is supposed to be spot on. It’s atrocious.”

In July, we revealed operations at the hospital’s ageing Institute of Neuroscien­ces were farmed out to the private sector due to a plumbing problem that led to raw sewage leaking down hospital walls.

And in August, a heavy pane of glass plunged from the tenth floor of the hospital, leading NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde to say it was ‘fortunate’ no one was injured.

Children also faced delays for cancer treatment due to bacteria outbreaks at the Children’s Hospital in September and July.

A spokeswoma­n for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde said: “We are sorry to hear that Ms Stevenson is unhappy with her care.

“Ensuring a clean environmen­t for our patients and staff is extremely important to us and every patient room within the hospital is cleaned thoroughly on a daily basis, however we would like to apologise if some items have been missed.

“We have checked her room today and it is clean but Ms Stevenson’s comments will be followed up with staff.

“Due to patient confidenti­ality we are unable to comment on Ms Stevenson’s case however we are satisfied that she has received safe and appropriat­e care at all times and safe staffing levels have been maintained.

“We will discuss Ms Stevenson’s care plan with her directly and try to alleviate any concerns she has.”

I work with animals and would never put them through this

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 ??  ?? KellyAnn, main picture, and above, during her hospital stay. Below, pictures of dirty conditions found at the hospital, inset
KellyAnn, main picture, and above, during her hospital stay. Below, pictures of dirty conditions found at the hospital, inset
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