Glasgow Times

Rejects PM’s Brexit deal


He said all the talk about another referendum or a General Election or a people’s vote was “just noise”.

He added: “We are leaving because that’s what the British people told us that’s what they want.

“To take back control of our

“Unlike the SNP we believe the results of referendum­s should be respected.”

He said the UK voted to leave and the Tories were the only party standing up for the one million Scots who voted to leave.

Mr Tomkins and Annie Wells were the only Glasgow MSPs in Holyrood to support the Prime Minister’s proposed deal.

Pauline McNeill, Labour MSP for Glasgow said the deal was not acceptable as she said it would damage the economy.

Ms McNeill said: “We must find a way through that will not make people poorer, the families who have struggled through the last ten years of austerity.

“It won’t be Jacob ReesMogg or Boris Johnson who will struggling because of this.”

She said it was equal to losing £1000 per year for every person.

She added: “I want to see a deal that protects ordinary people’s lives.”

James Kelly, Glasgow Labour MSP, said it will not do anything for poorest communitie­s in Glasgow and Scotland.

He said this deal does nothing for the 230,000 kids living in poverty or the 400,000 workers who are not paid the real Living Wage.”

Some Tory MSPs who voted Remain in the referendum, like Liz Smith who said she still wanted to stay in the EU said they now backed the deal to leave.

Alex Neil of the SNP told the chamber that, as someone who voted for Brexit, he couldn’t support it because it was the “worst of both worlds and the best of none”.


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