Glasgow Times

Sold out: Glasgow goes crazy for Greggs’ new vegan sausage rolls


BAKERY chain Greggs has launched its controvers­ial new product – the vegan sausage roll.

Every store in the city centre sold out due to huge demand.

The Evening Times managed to get our hands on some of these rare delicacies and took to the streets of Glasgow to find out what people thought.

Chloe Beatson, 19, said: “They do just taste the same. If you’d have told me that was a normal sausage roll, I’d not have known.

“Since it just tastes the same I’d just get a normal one but if there was only one there, and it doesn’t taste any different then why not?

“I’m usually put off vegan stuff because I’d rather just eat meat, I don’t know if it’s the whole lifestyle and how much vegans try and promote it. I’m lactose intolerant anyway so I eat what I can.

Stephanie Wright, 29, from Rutherglen, said: “They’re nice, they taste just like sausage rolls. They’re just a tasty, I don’t know if I’d notice much of a difference if I were buying them given that I’m not vegan.

“I wouldn’t mind buying that, I’d be very happy.”

Glasgow is the Greggs capital of Scotland with around 50 stores, only rivalled by Newcastle in the North East of England, where the bakery was founded by John Gregg

Argyll Horn, 16: “We’re not vegan, I’ve eaten it once at McDonald’s which was quite nice.

“But this is really nice, it tastes like a sausage roll. It only tastes a bit different.”

Phoebe Kitchen, also 16 said: “If I ate that, I wouldn’t know it’s vegan. I’d probably buy that, I quite like it.”

Paul and Helen Avontuur, both 54, were both similarly impressed.

“If you hadn’t told me it was vegan I’d say that there was some meat in it,” he said. “Normally there’s never much meat in it anyway!

“It’s not as greasy but it’s quite nice as well, so you can have more of these. You’d need something to wash it down though.”

Helen said: “It is a bit drier but that’s not a bad thing at least when holding it. It tastes very good.”

The vegan sausage rolls were only available in six selected Greggs outlets across the city, including Argyle Street and Buchanan Bus Station.

Alan Hatherall, 26 from Greenock, said: “I’ve never had anything vegan before but that tastes really good, it just tastes like the original sausage roll.

“I wouldn’t say it’s either better or worse, I think it’s just the same.

“If you’re looking for something a bit different then that’s pretty good.”

The launch comes just in time for ‘veganuary’ where people across the world give up meat and dairy for the whole of January.

Louisa Mazza, 36 said: “It tastes like a normal sausage roll. We’re not vegan but I like the taste of it.”

However, Stephen Mazza, 34, disagreed, saying: “I wouldn’t buy it in Greggs though.

“If it’s a choice between a sausage roll or a steak bake, it’s gotta be the steak beak.”

 ??  ?? Our reporter Mason tries out the vegan sausage roll, while Chloe Beatson, top right, Paul and Helen Avontuur, 54, middle, and Argyll Horn and Phoebe Kitchen, above right, sample the snack from Greggs
Our reporter Mason tries out the vegan sausage roll, while Chloe Beatson, top right, Paul and Helen Avontuur, 54, middle, and Argyll Horn and Phoebe Kitchen, above right, sample the snack from Greggs

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