Glasgow Times

Girl jailed for life for knifing teen in house party horror


A 17-year-old girl has been jailed for life after knifing a lad to death at a party – while she was PREGNANT and high on cocaine and booze.

The vicious teen, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was told by a judge the attack was “brutal, deliberate and unprovoked”.

The girl, who wore a white shirt, black cardigan and black skirt as she sat in the dock, was told she had shown “no empathy” to the boy’s family.

Her victim, Conner Cowper, 18, died at the scene of the attack at a flat in Spruce Lane, Holytown, Lanarkshir­e, on April 12, 2018.

A jury was told Conner “fancied” the teenage delinquent but she stabbed him after he called her a “stupid wee girl”.

Judge Lord Arthurson told the teenager killer: “Conner Cowper was in the wrong place at the wrong time – that is to say, in your company when you were high on drugs and alcohol and had access to a bladed weapon.”

He said that Conner was “to all intents and purposes a stranger” to the girl, who had met him the same night she took his life by plunging a kitchen knife four inches deep into his neck.

Lord Arthurson said: “This was committed while you were still a child, under the influence of alcohol and cocaine.”

And he praised Conner’s family, saying they had behaved “with silent dignity” throughout the trial, which was held at the High Court in Glasgow.

The girl denied murder, claiming self-defence but jurors convicted her in December last year.

Lord Arthurson told the girl: “You have stated that you feel empathy towards friends and family of your victim.

“I saw no evidence of this in the trial or in the course of your evidence.

“Your demeanour throughout the trial seemed flat and disinteres­ted empathy.”

The girl had been expelled in her first year of secondary school for attacking a pupil with additional needs, the court heard. And she had a history of violence and possession of bladed weapons.

Senior counsel for the girl, Anthony Graham QC, said: “From the age of 12 to 15 she had no boundaries.

“From 15 to where we are today, she has existed in a world where she should not have been.”

The girl had left home at 15 and lived with an older man where she was subjected to domestic abuse, Mr Graham said.

And he spoke of a lack of “positive influences” in her formative years.

Mr Graham added: “She was barely 17 when this offence occurred.”

Sentencing, Lord Arthurson said: “You were pregnant at the time you committed this offence, and have bonded with your child while in custody.

“In particular I note your considerab­le youth and vulnerabil­ity and the consequenc­es for you being separated from your child.”

The girl was sentenced to life at a hearing at the High Court in Edinburgh and told she would spend a period of 16 years in custody, which began from last April when she was remanded. with no

 ??  ?? Conner Cowper, 18, died at the scene of the attack at a flat in Holytown
Conner Cowper, 18, died at the scene of the attack at a flat in Holytown

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