Glasgow Times


BEST DAYS OF OUR LIVES ‘I was a menace when I was wee...’


MY SCHOOL: I started primary in 1987 at a newly built school in Paisley called South Primary – which has since been demolished. It was a huge, open-plan place, which was designed to be quite modern and funky – but there was a rumour they built it that way so it could be turned into a supermarke­t if it didn’t work as a school. It had a bright red roof and yellow window frames. I went to Castlehead High in Paisley from 1994. It was massive with a 1970s vibe – dark wood and bright gaudy walls, with millions of drawing pin marks from years of use. On school reports, I was always described as hard working, but easily distracted and too chatty – I suppose I do love a gossip…

FAVOURITE TEACHER: Mrs McKellar from primary one. She was such a bright, bubbly loveable person. I also loved Mrs Hoskins, my English teacher at high school because she would let me away with all sorts.

SCHOOL DINNER, PACKED LUNCH OR HOME? I loved school dinners. I still dream of the days when I would get coconut sponge cake drenched in pink custard – something which would be very much frowned upon these days.

FAVOURITE SUBJECT: Geography, as it included elements of meteorolog­y. I absolutely loved when we got to weather fronts. I think I drove my teacher Mr Simpson crazy, as it was always my hand that went straight up when he was asking the class a question and I would be wriggling around in the chair desperate to answer it. I was a big weather geek back then too.


I always struggled with maths because I just felt we were number crunching with no real objective. I loved physics equations though, because it felt like the numbers had a meaning – such as calculatin­g the speed of something or the voltage.

MY BEST FRIEND: I had a lot of friends throughout school, I was the sort of person that tried to be a bit like everyone. My best friend at school was Graham Quigley, we were in a lot of classes together and were quite alike.

IF I COULD CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT MY SCHOOL DAYS IT WOULD BE: I wouldn’t change much, it’s school which helps mould you into what you become

and I’m really happy where I’ve ended up – in my dream job. I only have little regrets really – like losing my plimsolls on the first day, My mum was a bit annoyed about that. I used to pretend I had only been given lettuce for school dinner and my mum would call the school ... I was a bit of menace when I was wee, but I’m sure even mum would agree that I’m better nowadays.

Sean’s Very Scottish Hogmanay, in which he will bring in the bells with a special celebratio­n is to be shown on STV from 11.30pm on December 31.

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 ??  ?? Sean Batty has few regrets from his time at school in Paisley
Sean Batty has few regrets from his time at school in Paisley
 ??  ?? Sean Batty will host an STV Hogmanay show this year
Sean Batty will host an STV Hogmanay show this year

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