Glasgow Times

City panic as eager fans rush to see comedy duo


GLASGOW loved Laurel and Hardy. The masters of comedy visited the city several times over the course of their career, and always to great welcomes from huge crowds, desperate to catch a glimpse of their heroes.

Stan and Ollie were massive stars, famous for films such as Unaccustom­ed As We Are and Pardon Us, and the Oscar-winning The Music Box, which won an Academy Award for Best Short Subject.

Their most eventful visit to Glasgow by far, however, involved a dramatic building collapse, massive crowds and injured spectators.

It was July 1932, and Stan and Ollie were met with 8000 adoring fans when they arrived in Central Station.

As the two men made their way to the concourse, a huge surge from the eager crowd pushed them towards the station’s Hope Street exit.

People were fainting, others scrabbling in panic to avoid the crush, and the terrified stars had to be whisked out of the side door on to the main street.

The Evening Citizen, an early Glasgow evening newspaper, reported: “Suddenly a stone balustrade in Hope Street, skirting the wall of the hotel, collapsed outwards onto the pavement owing to the pressure of the crowd, and a number of persons were knocked over by falling masonry.

“The heap of broken stonework fortunatel­y formed a barricade which protected the surging crowd from falling into a basement seven feet below.

“Immediatel­y help was forthcomin­g for the injured persons. Three ambulance wagons arrived on the scene, and nine men were removed to the Royal Infirmary.”

The experience left Laurel and Hardy shaken, with ripped clothes, damages shoes and a missing watched (it was pinched from

Stan’s wrist in the chaos) but they went ahead with their personal appearance at La Scala Cinema later that day. It was an emotional evening for Stan, who lived in Langside when he was a child – he attended Queen’s Park School – and he spoke movingly about his fond memories of Glasgow.

Laurel and Hardy’s next visit to the city was in June 1947, when they performed at the Empire for two weeks. This time, around 5000 people gathered at the station to welcome them and a police cordon prevented the horrible scenes

 ??  ?? The duo practise their bagpiping ‘skills’
The duo practise their bagpiping ‘skills’
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