Glasgow Times

Young activists take centre stage at forum


GRETA Thunberg was among four young climate activists to scold the elites gathered at the World Economic Forum for not doing enough to deal with the climate emergency.

At a panel in the Swiss ski resort of Davos, the four said they hoped their generation had found its voice and can work with those in power to bring about the necessary change to limit climate change.

But Greta said not enough has been done.

“We need to start listening to the science, and treat this crisis with the importance it deserves,” said the 17-year-old – just as US president Donald Trump was arriving in Davos and was due to give a speech.

“Without treating it as a real crisis we cannot solve it,” Greta said.

She also acknowledg­ed that people are more aware about climate issues now. She added: “It feels like the climate and environmen­t is a hot topic, thanks to young people pushing.”

The others on the panel were just as forceful and passionate about the effects of global warming and how they, as young people, need to play a central role in raising awareness and insist on change.

“The older generation has a lot of experience, but we have ideas, we have energy, and we have solutions,” said Natasha Wang Mwansa, an 18-year-old activist from Zambia who campaigns for girls’ and women’s rights.

Salvador Gomez-Colon, who raised funds and awareness after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico in 2017, said young activists are doing more than just talking.

“We’re not waiting five, 10, 20 years to take the action we want to see. We’re not the future of the world, we’re the present, we’re acting now. We’re not waiting any longer.”

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