Glasgow Times

Would-be crooks fail in handbag robbery bid


TWO men attempted to snatch a bag off a woman who was walking with a young child.

The 40-year-old victim was walking through a lane between Nethergree­n Wynd and Robertson Drive, in Renfrew, at around 4.30pm on Saturday.

She walked past two men, who then tried to grab her handbag which she had on her shoulder.

There was a struggle and the men made off empty handed.

The woman was unhurt but shaken by the incident.

Police are urging anyone with informatio­n on this incident to contact them on 101 or Crimestopp­ers on 0800 111 555.

AN UNDER-THREAT youth group in Maryhill has been handed a lastminute lifeline thanks to a cash boost from a charity set up by the late Euromillio­ns winner Colin Weir.

The Shakespear­e Street Youth Club was faced with the prospect of closing their doors for good after they failed to secure funding from Glasgow City Council which helps them pay for staff to operate the facility.

The group, which was founded in Maryhill in 1923, applied for funding the same way they have done for more than 40 years, but were rejected by the local authority, leaving manager Julie McMillan with no other choice but to look to make several staff redundant which would force the closure of the centre.

On Friday night at a public meeting held to discuss the future of the club, known locally as The Shakey, it was, however, announced that The Colin Weir Foundation was making an immediate donation of £25,000 to help keep their doors open.

Julie (inset), who has been involved in the club for 27 years, said: “We applied as normal but the reason we were rejected was because there was missing documents. When I sent the applicatio­n I said to them to get in touch with me should they require further informatio­n.

“But nothing was said until we were given a letter on December 22 that we were not getting the grant.”

The Glasgow Times reported last week that at least 125 community groups had funding bids rejected – but have now been given until the end of the month to resubmit their applicatio­n. Changes to the scheme this year meant the local authority had rejected many of the groups because one or more of the six documents required had not been attached to their applicatio­n.

In the case of The Shakespear­e Street Youth Club, the rejection created a funding gap.

Julie said: “We are doing the work we are asked to be doing and more. We don’t have a great deal of money in the bank. We are always fundraisin­g, it is constant because we want to give our kids the best experience in here.”

Julie is now working to find out what the council needs for her applicatio­n to meet their criteria of required documents and hopes to apply again before the January 31 deadline.

In the meantime, the money provided by The Colin Weir Foundation has delighted the community.

The foundation was set up by the late Partick Thistle fan who died in December at 71.

Mr Weir and his then-wife Chris, from Largs in North Ayrshire, claimed the £161 million

EuroMillio­ns jackpot in July 2011, the highest amount handed out in the UK at the time.

Former Partick Thistle chairwoman Jacqui Low, described as a trustee of the The Colin Weir Foundation, contacted the club with the good news.

In a letter seen by the Glasgow Times, she said: “As the oldest youth club in Scotland and being aware of the other work you do, it is clear what a significan­t loss to the local community it would be if you were to close.

“In order to give you breathing space to make long-term arrangemen­ts, I would like to offer the club an immediate donation of £25,000 from The Colin Weir Foundation to ensure that you keep the doors open.”

The group, which is part of a centre offering classes for five to 90-year-olds, is in talks for further funding from the Foundation.

Shopkeeper­s on Maryhill Road and the Maryhill Spirituali­st Church also donated £500 each.

Julie said: “We have broken down the violence and territoria­lism that used to exist between the kids from different areas.

“Kids now are isolated. They are interested in social media, they want to stay in the house and they

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