Glasgow Times

Indian parade celebrates key anniversar­y


THOUSANDS of Indians converged on a ceremonial boulevard in the capital New Delhi yesterday amid tight security to celebrate Republic Day. The parade marks the anniversar­y of the country’s democratic constituti­on coming into effect in 1950.

During the celebratio­ns, schoolchil­dren, folk dancers and police and military battalions marched on a parade route, followed by a military hardware display.

Beyond the show of military power, the parade also included ornate floats highlighti­ng India’s cultural diversity as men, women and children in colourful dresses performed traditiona­l dances, drawing applause from spectators. The 90-minute event, broadcast live, was watched by millions of Indians on their television sets across the country.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro was the chief guest for this year’s celebratio­ns. He was accorded the ceremonial Guard of Honour by President Ram Nath Kovind and Prime Minister Narendra Modi at Rashtrapat­i Bhawan, the presidenti­al palace.

Bolsonaro joined the two Indian leaders as the military parade marched through a central avenue near the presidenti­al palace.

At the parade, Bolsonaro watched keenly as mechanised columns of Indian tanks, rocket launchers, locally-made nuclearcap­able missile systems and other hardware rolled down the route. Apart from attending the Republic Day celebratio­ns, Bolsonaro’s visit was also aimed at strengthen­ing trade and investment ties across a range of fields between the two countries. On Saturday, Modi and Bolsonaro reached an agreement to promote investment in each other’s country.

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