Glasgow Times

Two city climbing centres given green light to serve alcohol


TWO Glasgow climbing centres have been given the go-ahead to sell alcohol despite public health and safety concerns. The Newsroom in Kinning Park and the Prop Store at Wynford – both rock-climbing gyms – have been granted an “on-sales” premises licence which will allow customers to enjoy a drink after their climbing session.

Concerns had been raised that the alcohol death rate and hospital admittance rate in these areas was higher than the Scottish average and that people might injure themselves if they had been drinking.

The issue was discussed at the licensing board on Friday where the applicant reassured members steps would be taken to ensure no-one was “drink-climbing”.

Elaina Smith, of Glasgow’s Health and Social Care Partnershi­p, said: “We have concerns that the Newsroom is in an area which continues to experience alcohol-related harm which is larger than the Scottish national average and NHS Greater Glasgow.

“The hospital admittance rate in Kinning Park for alcohol-related harm is 65 per cent above the Scottish average and the alcohol-specific death rate is 96 per cent above the Scottish rate.

“We do not feel that a climbing centre is a suitable place to sell alcohol. Climbing and bouldering need concentrat­ion without alcohol. The impact this could have on co-ordination is concerning and is hazardous. We encourage people to exercise to promote healthy living. We feel this would be providing mixed messages.

“We have similar concerns regarding the Prop Store. Hospital stays resulting from alcohol are 265 per cent above the Scottish average and the alcohol death rate is 74 per cent above the average.”

The board was informed that customers would not be allowed to drink and then go climbing.

Andrew Hunter, the company’s representa­tive, said: “The Newsroom has been in operation since 2012 and it is no surprise to us that the health board has concerns.

“In both centres, staff will control exercise, make sure that people have finished their climbing session and have changed clothes before they are served alcohol. There is no back gantry with spirits. If someone has a drink, then they won’t be allowed back into the climbing area.”

Following the discussion, members agreed to grant the licence.

 ??  ?? Customers will now be able to buy alcohol after their climbing session
Customers will now be able to buy alcohol after their climbing session

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