Glasgow Times

Help plea for freelancer­s


AGLASGOW MSP has been criticised by the Health Secretary and SNP colleagues for keeping his office open to the public during the coronaviru­s pandemic.

Shettlesto­n SNP MSP John Mason said he was following Scottish Parliament advice that it was his decision whether to open or close.

He said he wanted to be available to constituen­ts during the crisis and said it was not fair that he should keep safe while asking NHS and transport workers to continue working with the public.

Government advice is for those who can to work from home.

Responding to him on Twitter,

Health Secretary Jeane Freeman urged Mason to listen to the advice.

She said: “John please don’t do this. Follow the clear health guidance – you are neither an exception nor exceptiona­l.”

SNP MP Philippa Whitford criticised the decision by her party colleague, tweeting: “Can I suggest you should be setting an example, not putting your staff and constituen­ts at risk of Covid-19.”

Mr Mason said he was staying open to try to help people who needed it.

He said: “I’m in the office just now. Last week the advice from the Parliament was it’s up to us. I discussed it with staff and we agreed to open.

“We are doing things at a distance. The surroundin­g shops are open, vaping shops, barbers. I want to take this seriously, some people are not.”

Mason said the only person to come into his office was the postman and he was reviewing the situation.

He added that he had been not aware of Freeman’s comments.

He said: “I take Jeane Freeman’s advice very seriously but the parliament advice was it was up to us. I will follow the advice.

“We are asking buses, trains to keep running and shops to open. We have a duty to them. There is a balance. If I need to close the office, I will. If people need help we are here to help them.”

Former Holyrood presiding officer Tricia Marwick said Mason was an “idiot” .

She tweeted: “John, with the greatest respect you are an idiot. You are endangerin­g yourself and others. Close the office to the public. How on earth can you expect others to follow advice when you will not?”

Mason said: “We need to have a slightly more serious discussion.”

Last Wednesday, the MSP tweeted a photo of his meal in an

SUPPORT for workers hit by the coronaviru­s pandemic needs to be extended to freelancer­s, the self-employed and those on zero-hour contracts, unions say.

Edinburgh restaurant after the advice was to stay away from pubs and restaurant­s.

He said: “But we are advised to reduce social contact so only stayed for one pint instead of usual two or three. It was extremely quiet so no difficulty staying two metres away from folk.”

He responded to criticism at the time stating: “There has been no law to stop pubs and restaurant­s opening. That may come. But reality is that people are not going out and many businesses are struggling. We face both a health and an economic challenge.”

Chancellor Rushi Sunak announced the UK Government would pay 80 per cent of the salaries of staff kept on by employers but self-employed workers can only access just under £95 in Universal Credit.

First Minister Nicola

Sturgeon has said she is “very hopeful” further measures will be introduced soon.

Paul McManus, from the Glasgow office of Betcu, the union for staff, contract and freelance workers in the media and entertainm­ent

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