Glasgow Times

We can no longer have confidence in this nation’s Health Secretary


WE all know that transparen­cy does not come naturally to the Scottish National Party. To be transparen­t is to be able to be held accountabl­e and the SNP’s raison d’etre depends on avoiding scrutiny of their record and their disastrous plans for Scotland.

In the midst of a public health emergency, though, transparen­cy isn’t just about the usual party political clashes. It’s vital to our ability to track the successes or otherwise of policies put in place to curb this deadly virus.

It was revealed last week that the SNP’s Health Secretary, Jeane Freeman MSP, misled the public over the Scottish Government’s policy on releasing patients from hospital into care homes at the start of this crisis. She has since admitted that she gave out incorrect informatio­n when she suggested that only around 300 people had been discharged from hospital on this basis by April 15 – in fact, the figure is more than three times that.

This comes less than two weeks after Jeane Freeman told the BBC’s Sunday Politics programme that she hadn’t read the latest guidance to care homes on admitting patients despite it being published on the Scottish Government’s website.

Her futher failure of leadership over what is widely suspected to be one of the epicentres of coronaviru­s transmissi­on in Scotland – the Edinburgh Nike conference – has led to accusation­s of a “cover up” as reports surfaced of those that had come into contact with delegates finding out about the outbreak via the media, not from contact tracing.

Usually the words “but England” are never more than a few moments away from the mouths of nationalis­t politician­s, always more comfortabl­e manufactur­ing division and grievance between the nations of the United Kingdom than defending their own record, but comparison­s with England lay bare the manifest failings of Jeane Freeman with the tragic death rate in Scottish care homes more than double that south of the Border.

Perhaps if the Health Secretary spent less time responding to pro-nationalis­t bloggers on social media offering to sort out supermarke­t deliveries and more time speaking to care home residents being failed by her Government on protective equipment and testing then the public might have some trust in her ability to steer the country through this crisis.

As it is, however, I agree with the comments made by Jackson Carlaw MSP: “In light of these events, it is impossible to see how public confidence can be maintained in the Cabinet Secretary for Health.”

The fundamenta­l problem is that SNP politician­s are so used to being able to pass the buck and blame Westminste­r that when a public health crisis emerges and the devolution settlement places full responsibi­lity on their shoulders, the result is wide-ranging incompeten­ce.

As someone whose partner works in a care home – and on behalf of all those whose mums, dads, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunties, cousins and grandparen­ts who both work and reside in care homes across the country – this is personal.

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