Glasgow Times



Dominic Cummings ‘made second Durham lockdown trip just two weeks after first’

HE’S got to be removed from the UK Government offices immediatel­y.

He wasn’t voted in, he does not publish his agenda, yet he sits in on (and influences) the SAGE meetings, despite having no medical qualificat­ions. After all that, he breaks the rules that he has orchestrat­ed, then he and the Cabinet tell lies about the circumstan­ces.

Get him out now!

Edward Martin

DOMINIC Cummings is your typical upper-class that looks down on the rest of us with contempt and thinks he is immune to criticism!

He has to go – as does anyone who has an influence on everyone else then flouts not only the rules but the law!

He is a pompous, arrogant, obnoxious snob that thinks he is above it all.

He should not have a choice – he should be sacked now! Steff James

TO the keyboard warriors below... Who gives a monkeys what he did or did not do (of course, if you’re an SNP fan you’ll be like a dog with a bone)

You should be screaming to get the economy opened up pronto as you can now see the economic devastatio­n heading towards us. Massive job losses, no chance of youngsters ever getting a job, house repossessi­ons and destitutio­n ,and with that many suicides.

That should be front of your mind rather than hatred of Boris Johnson’s adviser.

John Colin

Number 10 confirm Dominic Cummings’ 260-mile lockdown trip but say actions were ‘in line with guidelines’

AH well, what’s new? Different rules for certain people. This a serious matter of public health. Anne Graham

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