Glasgow Times

Son of shopkeeper is jailed over three raids


THE son of a shopkeeper who carried out three raids in just 95 minutes has been jailed for almost five years.

Arun Khaira struck on January 11 while using a white BMW 1 series as a getaway car.

The 24 year-old robbed the PHB Superstore in Maryhill and a Scotmid branch in Milngavie.

He also tried holding up the Shopsmart grocers in Ruchill.

Khaira was armed with an imitation firearm during the crimes. He escaped with a total of £470 from the raids.

He was sentenced to four years and eight months at the High Court in Glasgow on Thursday.

Kharia had earlier pleaded guilty to two charges of robbery and one of intent to rob.

Lady Stacey told him: “Coming from a shopkeepin­g family, you must understand this kind of behaviour is extremely intolerabl­e.

“What you did on January 11 is that you let your family down to a great extent.”

An earlier hearing was told how Khaira first turned up at the PHB Superstore and told a terrified worker: “It is not a joke mate.”

He brandished the firearm next at the Shopsmart grocers, but was told to get out by a staff member.

The final raid was at the Scotmid, where he bizarrely claimed: “I’m not here to hurt anyone. I am one of the good guys.”

The court heard Khaira’s DNA was found on the firearm later discovered. It was said to be capable of firing ball bearings.

Prosecutor Greg Farrell said Khaira had “occasional­ly” worked at his father’s shop prior to his arrest.

When his phone was examined it revealed that he had money problems.

Mr Farrell added: “He stated his intention to commit a robbery via text message in order to get money as a result of these troubles.”

The court heard Khaira initially had issues with prescripti­on drugs. Lady Stacey told Khaira the jail-term would have been seven years, but for his guilty pleas.

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