Glasgow Times

Importance of nature...

How a project on the Clyde helps teach youngsters


TODAY is World Environmen­t Day. While our lives have been put on hold by the pandemic, for many of Earth’s inhabitant­s the world is continuing as before, unaware of what’s happening.

Spring is in full flow. Mating seasons have started, flowers are blooming and annual migrations are reaching their peak. We have even seen suggestion­s that lockdown has had many positive environmen­tal impacts, including some wildlife reclaiming urban spaces.

In 2020, our planet’s biodiversi­ty is facing a landmark year.

The UN Convention on Global Biodiversi­ty is due to set out new goals for protecting nature, the last of which were set out in 2010. The UN is also putting Time for Nature at the front of today’s World Environmen­t Day, encouragin­g all of us to raise our voices to tell the world that we need action now.

One problem facing the UK is a lack of awareness about the importance of biodiversi­ty, which simply means the variety of life in a particular place. Scotland is home to over 90,000 species of animals, plants and microbes. This includes eagles, deer and salmon, but also trees, earthworms and microscopi­c bacteria. And, of course, humans.

Humans have quite the impact on biodiversi­ty around the world. Industry, farming, housing developmen­ts, new roads, pollution and even the noise we create have all had negative effects on biodiversi­ty.

The 2019 State of Nature report for Scotland pointed out that we are one of the most deforested countries in Europe and that we’ve experience­d a ‘net loss’ of nature.

We must all understand the importance of biodiversi­ty and the role it plays in our planet’s future - the impact of decreasing biodiversi­ty will be felt most by the generation­s yet to come.

Glasgow Science Centre has several programmes that help young people discover nature and learn about conservati­on. Our partnershi­p with the Clyde River Foundation is testament to just how successful this type of initiative can be.

Clyde in the Classroom is a yearly programme that invites primary school children to learn about the life cycles of brown trout, understand the health of local streams and develop scientific thinking skills along the way.

Each class is provided with a tank of trout eggs, which they keep for a few weeks before the Clyde River Foundation takes the class to a local stream to release the hatchlings. This understand­ing of the importance of clean water and the life cycles of wildlife. The hands-on approach is an excellent way to nurture a keen interest in our biodiversi­ty. More than 30,000 pupils have taken part over the past 20 years.

This is just one of many excellent programmes that we deliver at Glasgow Science Centre to engage audiences with the importance of nature. We have introduced children and young people to Madagascan Hissing Cockroache­s, Giant African Land Snails and Giant African Millipedes, all of which can be seen on our online engagement initiative #GSCAtHome.

Whether it’s workshops for early years on the importance of minibeasts, community learning programmes on climate change or even the educationa­l films shown on the IMAX screen, we recognise our role in ensuring that biodiversi­ty is understood, protected and valued by all in Scotland and across the UK.

Increasing Scotland’s biodiversi­ty may seem like a mammoth task, but there are ways we can all help, whether it’s planting bee-friendly flowers and plants, using eco friendly products and reducing our carbon emissions.

You can find out more about World Environmen­t Day by visiting the website here https:// www.worldenvir­ and download their practical guide for things you can do at home during lockdown.

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