Glasgow Times

Columnist is correct about dear old Glasgow


CONGRATULA­TIONS to Stewart Paterson for his article “Dear old Glasgow belongs to all of us” (Friday June 19). The narrative of the arrival of people from other parts of the country and of the world to form a community of Glaswegian­s is movingly expressive of the spirit of the city at its best, although we have to face up to the fact that no place can be perfect and blemishes will appear.

Considerat­ion should be given to reprinting the piece, displaying it with greater prominence, on the front page. It would stand as a credo for the city and indeed for the Glasgow Times itself.

Ian Hutcheson

Via email

AFTER watching MSP Fergus Ewing being interviewe­d by

Gordon Brewer on BBC Scotland I was taken aback by the sheer brazen cheek of this Scottish Government.

First of all this is a government with one political goal and that is to destroy the United Kingdom.

Just where would we be now and more to the point where would all the furloughed workers be right now if this country had voted for independen­ce six years ago?

Now I am not a Conservati­ve voter but I think they have did something completely different from any other government in history during this pandemic.

As the rest of the UK moves slowly in an attempt to get back to some sort of normality this government continuall­y drags its heels. Chancellor Rishi Sunak has said this scheme will end in October if the Scottish economy is behind the rest of the UK then that is there problem. A great number of independen­ce supporters will be feeling the benefits of this furlough scheme paid for by Westminste­r. Just who would have paid for it in an independen­t Scotland?

The SNP are an embarrassm­ent to Scotland both at Holyrood and at Westminste­r. The First Minister loves all the media attention but now is the time for action not words. Gordon Wilson Cambuslang

THERE appears to be an unhealthy scramble by Tory MPs to end the lockdown completely, starting with social distancing measure, especially when it looks as though the virus is becoming more virulent in parts of England.

Why are they so desperate to put people’s lives at risk? Have we not suffered enough embarrassi­ng botch ups by this UK Government during this pandemic?

Surely the fact that many of these MPs allegedly have interests and shares in many of the leisure companies has nothing to do with this haste? Don’t rule anything out with this lot.

 ??  ?? Stewart Paterson was praised for his column in Saturday’s Glasgow Times
Stewart Paterson was praised for his column in Saturday’s Glasgow Times
 ??  ??
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 ??  ?? Anne Young: ‘Coming in to land.... buzz off out of my way’
Gerard Ward took this picture in Kelvingrov­e Park
Mary Gillies sent in this shot of Dumbarton Castle Rock
Anne Young: ‘Coming in to land.... buzz off out of my way’ Gerard Ward took this picture in Kelvingrov­e Park Mary Gillies sent in this shot of Dumbarton Castle Rock

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