Glasgow Times



Hundreds gather in Kelvingrov­e Park with no regard for social distancing

Oh well, if protests are allowed, then why shouldn’t young people sit in a park, together. No difference, can’t have different rules for different groups now, can we?

Sam T

Rangers confirm 32,000 season tickets have been sold as Ibrox club detail their hope of fans returning in August

32,000 (so far) is brilliant. It’ll be interestin­g to see how we and others deal with letting limited numbers of fans in. Duncan Thompson

Well done the Rangers support

– it’s very important that fans support the club in these difficult times.

The lost income through match day hospitalit­y will still be significan­t along with lack of money due to the refunds to Sky and BT. This makes season ticket income more important than ever.

James Wilson

Test and protect advice to be sent to Scottish homes

What a waste of money.

They sent letters out well after the virus started and spent £500,000 sending the last letters and now she wants to give all those of working age £11,000 and folk that have worked all their days don’t get that for their pension. Nicola Sturgeon is spending our money as if it’s going out of fashion, and yet always has the begging bowl out for Westminste­r to fill.

Betty McCormick

They tell us this throughout the day on TV, radio, internet, billboards etc.

Why waste more money on this? It seems to be like a dog chasing its tail, they just make it up as they go along.

John Mackie

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