Glasgow Times

Mum tells of horror at vicious attack by dog


AVICIOUS dog mauled a man and another dog in a random attack in a park. The mother of the attacked dog’s owner, Stephanie Wilson, described the horrific incident, which saw a Boerboel go at a Staffordsh­ire Terrier and her daughter Chelsea, who was with her boyfriend Jacob, in Barshaw Park on Friday.

She said: “Chelsea and Jacob were walking Rocky in the park, as they have been doing as the laws on lockdown have been lifted, and this dog charged towards them and took a hold of Rocky.

“The two dogs were locked – Rocky’s initial instinct was to protect himself and to protect Chelsea and she was shouting at the owner to get her dog away.

“Jacob was trying to get this dog off Rocky and lifted his foot to it and it bit Jacob’s hand.

“The owner just grabbed the dog and ran away. There were some older couples who had just walked by and didn’t bat an eyelid and then two young girls walked by – obviously by this point Chelsea was quite upset, Jacob’s hand was covered in blood and the dog was distressed – they sat with them to calm them down.

“Jacob was taken to the hospital and Chelsea came back here. He was in the hospital until about 4am and had to get a tetanus jab.”

Chelsea then contacted the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals who gave her advice on looking after Rocky. He had suffered deep cuts to his face.

Stephanie and her daughter identified the vicious dog as a Boerboel, a notoriousl­y powerful and ferocious breed which is banned in several countries but not the UK.

“Rocky has not been himself since,” said Stephanie.

“He’s a big daft gentle giant but he’s not wanting to eat, not wanting to play . He’s been very withdrawn.

“They’re just a young couple, going out for a wee bit of exercise, and the next time it could be a child. It might not be two young adults that could defend themselves.”

Police are investigat­ing the incident and told the family they would check nearby CCTV dog’s owner.

Officers took a statement Jacob on Saturday.

A police spokeswoma­n said: “We received a report of a dog being attacked by another dog in Barshaw to find the from

Park, Paisley, around 9pm on Friday, July 3, 2020.

“As a result a man was bitten on the hand and attended the Royal Alexandra Hospital for minor treatment.

“Enquiries are ongoing.”

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Rocky was wounded and his owner’s boyfriend, Jacob, had his hand bitten
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