Glasgow Times


Councillor and parents question lockdown priorities


stages of giving to leave shortly arrival.

He said: “There’s a strange sense of priorities in some of the announceme­nts we’ve been getting. At the start of lockdown, it was all very unknown.

“It was a case of let health boards deem what’s appropriat­e. Home births, for example – some health boards are still doing them, but Glasgow isn’t and there’s no real definitive reason why.

“I keep hearing we need to prepare for a second spike, which I understand, but I’m wondering ... people can’t attend funerals or visit loved ones in hospital but can visit the pub.

“I think the pub is a very important part of easing people out of lockdown but I don’t think it would be everyone’s first priority.”

The Springburn councillor faced an agonising two-day wait after he dropped his partner off at the Princess Royal Maternity Hospital in Glasgow’s East End during her mammoth 100-hour labour.

He attended the hospital to witness the birth of the pair’s first child but had to leave when mother and baby were moved to the maternity ward, where they stayed for a further three days as Maria was being treated for jaundice.

“Being in a situation where someone you really love is having this traumatic experience and all you can do is text or FaceTime is awful,” he added.

Expectant mum Jodie Lang has and after are the asked baby’s also called on changes to be made as she prepares for the birth of her “rainbow baby” after her son was stillborn last year.

“I was already worried about getting through another pregnancy after we lost a baby last year,” said the 28-year-old, who is also mum to a five-year-old girl.

“This has heightened every fear. I’m going to everything on my own and I’m terrified if I get bad news again, I not only have to deal with that alone but then go home and tell my husband.”

An NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde spokesman said the board was beginning a phased reintroduc­tion of home births and apologised for not being able to offer the full range of services to new mums due to the “challenges of the pandemic”.

A Scottish Government spokeswoma­n said: “Guidance issued at the start of the pandemic stated birth partners could attend the birth.

“The Scottish Government has now updated that guidance and from Monday, pregnant women and new mothers will be able to have additional support for appointmen­ts and whilst in hospital after the birth.”

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 ??  ?? Megan Campbell with son Greyson and, main, Martin McElroy’s daughter Maria
Megan Campbell with son Greyson and, main, Martin McElroy’s daughter Maria

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