Glasgow Times

Bus thug was caught after leaving phone


ATHUG who attacked a chef on a busy bus was caught after he left his phone at the scene. Mark Higgins punched Ali Bellamine eight times during the journey in Glasgow city centre in November 2017.

The 33-year-old had earlier been warned not to touch stranger Mr Bellamine, 40, before lunging on top of him.

Higgins pleaded guilty yesterday at Glasgow Sheriff Court to the assault to Mr Bellamine’s injury.

The court saw CCTV footage of Mr Bellamine, who was wearing headphones, sitting near Higgins minding his own business.

Higgins touched Mr Bellamine on the back of the head and was warned to stop.

Higgins touched him for a second time and Mr Bellamine responded: “Don’t f***ing touch me.”

Prosecutor Mark Allan told the court Higgins got up and punched

Mr Bellamine on the face eight times causing his glasses to fall off.

He added: “The accused dragged him from his seat down the aisle of the bus as other passengers watched. He made attempts to protect his face but fell to the ground as Higgins continued to punch.”

Mr Bellamine took a seat at the front of the bus before being punched once more by Higgins who fled the scene.

The victim was taken to hospital for treatment to a wound on the bridge of his nose which was closed with steri strips.

Police officers attended the bus and recovered a pair of specs and a mobile that was registered in Higgins’s name.

Officers later attended his home and arrested him.

Lawyer Bob Mitchell, defending, told the court Higgins has one previous conviction for dishonesty.

Sentence was deferred for background reports until next month by Sheriff Martin Jones QC.

The accused dragged him from his seat down the aisle of the bus

 ??  ?? The incident happened on a bus in Glasgow city centre
The incident happened on a bus in Glasgow city centre

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