Glasgow Times

Knife thug attacked his friend in flat


AKNIFE thug attacked a friend and left him fearing he was going to bleed to death. Paul Forbes, 37, launched the assault on 38-year-old Marco Pinnelli at a flat in Blythswood Court, Glasgow, on September 30, last year.

The High Court in Glasgow heard that Forbes, who is also known as Prescott, struck Mr Pinnelli on the head and face seven times.

Mr Pinnelli said: “I was shocked. The blood started. I realised I had to get to hospital. I thought I could be bleeding to death and I made a 999 call.

When police arrived at the flat at 7.10pm they had to force open the door. Inside they found Mr Pinnelli seriously injured and the only other person in the flat was Forbes.

Prosecutor Euan Cameron said: “The police recovered blood-stained knives. The accused was charged with assaulting Mr Pinnelli and told them: ‘I don’t know what you are talking about.’”

Forbes went on trial accused of attempting to murder Mr Pinnelli, but pleaded guilty after Mr Pinnelli gave evidence to assaulting him to his severe injury and permanent disfigurem­ent.

Mr Cameron said: “The injuries inflicted on Mr Pinnelli are permanentl­y disfigurin­g.”

He was injured on the forehead, right cheek, the back of his neck, at the left ear and right eyebrow.

The court heard that Forbes had been staying at Mr Pinnelli’s home as a guest for two months prior to the attack.

Initially, in evidence Mr Pinnelli claimed that he did not know his attacker and said: “I saw two shadows. The backs of two men running out the door.”

But, he eventually admitted that Forbes was the attacker and said it happened after an argument.

Forbes has previous conviction­s for assault and robbery, assault to severe injury and permanent disfigurem­ent and possessing weapons.

Judge Lord Armstrong deferred sentence on Forbes until September 9 at the High Court in Edinburgh for background reports.

Forbes, who was sitting in the dock, told the judge: “I don’t want reports done, your honour.”

Lord Armstrong said: “I’m going to do it anyway.”

Forbes is detained in custody.

 ??  ?? The incident took place at a flat in Blythswood Court
The incident took place at a flat in Blythswood Court

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