Glasgow Times

Loyalist thug threw firework at marchers


ALOYALIST thug lobbed lit fireworks a t a n I r i s h Republican parade and left a cop with burns, hearing loss and blurred vision, a court was told.

Builder David McCaig, 33, who was part of a large group of protesters against the march, planned the attack in advance at Glasgow’s Broomielaw last September.

He hurled two fireworks at the marchers.

One of them bounced off a vehicle and injured PC David Brown causing him 60 per cent hearing loss and burns.

McCaig pleaded guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court to culpable and reckless conduct by injuring PC Brown to his severe injury and permanent impairment.

The offence was aggravated by religious prejudice.

The court heard officers conducted a “large scale public order operation” that day because of trouble the week before in Govan during another Republican parade.

Police separated the marchers and 100 to 150 loyalist protesters near the King George V bridge.

Prosecutor Graham Macdonald told the court a number of items were thrown at the police and marchers by the protesters.

He said: “McCaig walked over to the group of counter protestors and stopped in the middle of them.

“He then threw a pyrotechni­c towards the direction of police and the marchers which exploded.

“He is then seen standing behind the group of protestors and is seen to ignite a second pyrotechni­c and throw it towards the direction of the police.

“The pyrotechni­c then struck a nearby vehicle before striking PC Brown on the body, bouncing off him and exploding directly nearby.”

The 42- year- old officer with 14 years service suffered burns to his right shoulder, ringing in his right ear and blurring to his right eye.

McCaig was later snared after his distinctiv­e orange top and blue shorts were identified from footage of the incident.

Officers raided his home to find fireworks in his shed and two boxes of smoke bombs in his living room.

His phone was also seized which uncovered a conversati­on on Instagram which revealed he had bought the fireworks days prior for £ 236.

McCaig chased up his order with the seller asking if he’d ordered a launcher”.

The court heard PC Brown was taken to hospital and was found to have lost 60 per cent of the hearing in his right ear.

Mr Macdonald told the court as of January this year PC Brown continues to have problems with tinnitus and trouble sleeping.

He was fitted with a hearing aid, but was told his loss of hearing will be permanent.

PC Brown now struggles with PTSD, stress and anxiety but has since returned to work in a training role.

Sentence was deferred for background reports by Sheriff Andrew Cubie until next month.

He told McCaig: “This is a very serious matter, Glasgow city centre is disfigured by sectariani­sm.

“It’s plain this wasn’t some heat of the moment opportunis­tic thing, you ordered and bought fireworks in advance of this and then threw them.

“This caused permanent disfigurem­ent to a police officer simply doing his job to make Glasgow city centre safe for people who want to go about their day in a civilised way.

McCaig, of Law, South Lanarkshir­e, was remanded in custody meantime.


 ??  ?? The incident happened during an Irish Republican parade in Glasgow last September
The incident happened during an Irish Republican parade in Glasgow last September

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