Glasgow Times

£ 600k in damages for Rangers administra­tors


THE Lord Advocate of Scot land, James Wol f fe Q C , h a s admitted in court that two administra­tors of the liquidated Rangers FC had been the victims of malicious prosecutio­n by the Crown.

In Scotland’s highest civil court, the Court of Session, David Whitehouse and Paul Clark of administra­tors Duff and Phelps are suing the Lord Advocate and Police Scotland for a sum now thought to be in excess of £ 15million for their wrongful prosecutio­n.

After four years of the action, which involved a long legal battle over whether the Lord Advocate had legal immunity – the Appeal Court ruled he did not – Whitehouse and Clark stand on the brink of having their reputation­s fully restored and being paid millions in compensati­on.

Stating that documents had been fed to lawyers in a “drip, drip” fashion, Iain Ferguson QC for Clark told Lord Tyre: “Frankly it is nothing short of a disgrace that the Government has behaved in this fashion towards private citizens who it now accepts should never have been prosecuted.

“It is only because of the determinat­ion of Mr Clark and Mr Whitehouse to clear their names that this situation has come about and the bottom line is that less wealthy individual­s could never have reached this point. That’s completely unacceptab­le.”

With former directors Charles Green and Imran Ahmad also taking cases for more than £ 25m in compensati­on, the bungled case could end up costing the taxpayer £ 40m in damages plus millions more in expenses – Whitehouse and Clark were awarded £ 600,000 in interim expenses yesterday morning.

It had already been revealed by the BBC that Ahmad would receive an apology and damages from the Lord Advocate.

The implicatio­ns for the Scottish justice system are staggering – apart from the costs, the original decision to prosecute was taken by the then Lord Advocate Frank Mulholland who is now the judge Lord Mulholland, while the court heard this morning that the current Lord Advocate continued to fight the current case even after documentar­y evidence showed that the prosecutio­n was wrong.

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