Glasgow Times

Bosses in stores must help with compliance

- D C Posted online

COMPLACENC­Y is now the real enemy in keeping this virus under control until such time as it is eradicated and ALL store bosses should be ensuring that their stores are complying with the law and if they are not then they ought to suffer the consequenc­es ( Hundreds of pupils accused of breaking face covering rules in shops, Wednesday).

In the early days of this wretched virus arriving on our shores stores had increased security in order to control numbers and the flow around their stores but in recent weeks I’ve noticed a significan­t reduction in security staff at the entrance to stores and asking the public to police themselves is a complete waste of time.

Let us hope we don’t have a second wave of the virus as we head towards the winter months.

JP B2019

Posted online

THE thing about Glasgow is that most people will do whatever they like whether told otherwise or not. Been the same in this city as long as I can remember.

David Mackinnon

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IT’S not just Tesco in Shettlesto­n and it’s not just school kids who are not wearing masks. It’s everywhere.

Brian MacLean

Posted online

IT’S not just at school where children don’t wear a mask or wear one correctly. The number of people who wear a mask under their nose who don’t seem to understand that Covid- 19 is airborne.

We breathe through our noses so wearing a mask and not covering your noses makes it pointless.

Paul Miller

Posted online

THE article on road accidents and various reasons was very interestin­g ( Glasgow Times, Wednesday).

As a driver I have noticed, since the lockdown, standards have definitely fallen.

The number of drivers who don’t bother to indicate is appalling, many are definitely driving much faster and tailgating, especially by high end vehicles, has definitely increased.

People need to calm down. We are all just trying to get from A to B as safely as possible.



DEFINITELY a lot of speeding going on, you only have to look at the amount of bashed barriers at traffic lights to see the damage. Too many folk in their 0- 60- inhalfa- second motors trying to beat the red light.

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Our readers had plenty to say on pupils ‘ flouting’ face covering rules in shops

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