Glasgow Times

Thug pounced over Pot Noodle


ATHUG who l e f t a shopkeeper badly hurt after he refused to make him a Pot Noodle avoided jail yesterday. Zahir Dar was left scarred for life following the assault at MK Newsagents in Govan in April this year.

The 61- year- old suuffered a fractured jaw when Daniel Harley, 19, launched glass bottles at him.

Accomplice Robbie Graham, 21, also punched the terrified shopkeeper.

Both admitted earlier this year at Glasgow Sheriff Court to assaulting Mr Dar.

Harley accepted he hurt the man to his severe injury and permanent disfigurem­ent.

Harley was yesterday placed under supervisio­n for 18 months by Sheriff Joan Kerr.

He was also placed on a curfew for 136 days keeping him indoors between 8pm and 6am.

Graham had been locked up 113 days at a previous hearing. for

The court heard the pair, both of Govan, had approached Mr Dar who was behind the counter.

Prosecutor Mark Allan said:

“Both asked Mr Dar to make pot noodles for them and he refused.”

Fuming Harley initially tried to grab Mr Dar.

Graham then got between the pair to “calm the situation” but Harley began throwing sweets at the shopkeeper.

Mr Dar attempted to fight back during a struggle between himself and the pair.

But, Mr Allan added: “Graham then punched Mr Dar to the face which caused him to fall to the ground.

“While this was ongoing, Harley ran to the fridges and grabbed three glass bottles.”

The prosecutor then added: “He dropped one but threw two at Mr Dar with one striking him on the face.”

The two attackers fled the scene in Glasgow’s South Side.

Mr Dar needed medical treatment for a number of injuries sustained in the attack.

Mr Allan added: “He will be with scars from the wounds.”

Paul McCormick, defending Harley, said the cleansing worker claimed he had been struggling with the death of his mum at the time.

Graham’s lawyer Frank Moore told the court the thug returned to apologise after the attack. left

 ??  ?? Daniel Harley, right, and Robbie Graham
Daniel Harley, right, and Robbie Graham

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