Glasgow Times

Sex attacker jailed for raping pensioner, 80


ASEX at t a cke r who v iolent ly raped an 80- year- old woman in her home has been locked up for eight years. John Laming struck last Christmas Eve just 12 days after he had been freed from jail.

The terrified victim yelled for help, but when no one heard, Laming taunted her: “Some neighbours you have got.”

The 32- year- old then sat swigging a can of juice after the attack and claimed the OAP was “strong like his granny”.

Laming fled, but was soon snared for the crime in Rutherglen.

He was yesterday sentenced having earlier pleaded guilty to a charge of assault and rape.

Lady Stacey said she had decided against imposing an Order for Lifelong Restrictio­n.

The former heating engineer will also be supervised for a further four years on his release.

The High Court in Glasgow heard Laming already had a criminal past including a four year prison term for robbery in 2015.

Prosecutor Kath Harper said he was released from jail last December 12.

The victim was in bed when she was awoken by smashing glass around midnight on Christmas Eve.

She got up and was confronted by Laming who she ordered out before bravely tackling him.

The woman also pressed her panic alarm, but it failed to work.

The victim ended up on her bed with Laming leaning over her.

She pleaded: “What are you doing this to an 80- year- old lady for?”

Laming branded her a “w*** e” before going on to rape her in the dining room.

After the attack, Laming helped the terrified woman onto a chair and told her to make a cup of tea.

Laming left after clearing up broken glass – but returned to ask for his vape e- cigarette which he had dropped.

As she was being examined at hospital the OAP burst into tears and told a medic: “I fought back.”

Her injuries included “multiple” bruises on her neck and body.

Laming was snared near the house he shared with his mum late on Christmas Eve hiding in a garden.

Laming was also placed on the sex offenders list.

What are you doing this to an 80- year- old lady for?

 ??  ?? John Laming appeared at the High Court over a sex attack in Rutherglen
John Laming appeared at the High Court over a sex attack in Rutherglen

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