Glasgow Times




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Never quite get to the point, yet persuade ( 4,5)

Avail oneself of totally in a way that's helpful ( 8)

Then dropped the squirming wet creature in the pond ( 4) Shoot and you get too close to the fire ( 6)

Be tired, in a way, of Italian food ( 7)

At which one got informatio­n directly from the original employee ( 5,4)

Meant somehow to conceal the repair and the alteration ( 9) Determine again to find the answer to ( 7)

When it gets hard to find just what one owns ( 6)

Is going to Wales; was left land Meant I was by myself in the interim ( 8)

Put a mock warning out? surprised at you! ( 3,5) Satisfied I would come back with the news ( 4)

Yes, there is a way to pierce the torpor ( 6)

They don't hide from the rain ( 7) Blurred, which is something of a mystery ( 4,2,3)

Tidied and made a pile from Indulgent, allowed the nine incarcerat­ed to go free ( 7) Embarrasse­d, steal back to the frontier ( 6)

"Pretty remote", I interposed Reveal the day is near ( 8) An irritabili­ty that is found trying? ( 9)

I am ( 4) ( 4) ( 7,2)


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Allow that you give your seat up to ( 5,3)

Look furious, having got a shiner ( 6)

Pressure put on to buy ( 8) Loved making a fuss over a communist ( 6)

On which people clean their feet when in a hurry? ( 4,4)

Start to recover – your sense of touch? ( 4,6)

For the under eleven, diminish The pest is given a leg up, mistakenly ( 6)

Decides to have wooden seats Thanks to having been given ( albeit temporaril­y) the ability ( 6) The skin wasn't firm, you say ( 5) That's a good one! ( 3)

Not all monsieur caught in the river ( 5) Disconcert­ed at being dislodged from the saddle ( 6)

Having a job to get correctly placed ( 2,8)

A clever little insect ( 3)

How you said "I've lost two stone"? ( 7)

Is afraid a thousand choirboys have got trapped ( 8) Understand the meaning of "Be rational" ( 3,5)

Hide the drink cupboard ( 8) Do limbering up exercises for a while ( 7)

A clear case for the can: crooked and bad ( 6)

Hint Jack is being hidden up by the clergyman ( 6)

He takes a gun out from a sliding compartmen­t ( 6) ( 7) ( 7)

 ??  ??

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