Glasgow Times

Enzo’s gets thumbs up from the kids


AS comfort food goes, simple chippy chips are right up there, all steaming and tangy with salt and vinegar, unwrapped and eaten on the go. It’s fuss- free food and it’s a family favourite for a reason.

Enzo’s started feeding families in Bishopton less than a year ago, and after this – our first visit – it’s now a favourite with my Young Team.

They’re discerning diners – aren’t all under- 10s? – and they gave Enzo’s a fivestar rating, in no small part because of those chips.

We’d ordered up a pizza feast for four and were not disappoint­ed. The young reviewers had a margherita and a ham and pineapple, my other half plumped for haggis and pepperoni and Captain Awkward here ( vegan for 20 years) ordered a create- your- own with onion, mushroom and olive, and crucially no cheese.

It’s always a bit of a stress making an order like this and sometimes I end up with extra cheese instead of none at all, but all was delivered correctly, and in almost no time at all.

We’d been advised it would take 20 minutes for the food to reach us, but it must have been delivered by jet as this was sliced in half.

The pizzas themselves of course were ready- sliced and ready to eat. For my taste testers, it was love at first bite – soft, artisanal bases with just the right amount of crust and topping. I’d have gone for a little more of the tomato sauce on mine, but that’s what you get when you order without cheese.

And did I mention the chips? Superb, and not at all greasy. When the kids declared themselves full, I thought we might have some left over until they pottered back in and left with the box to polish off the rest.

This wasn’t just comfort food, it was a comfort feast.

The clean- up was guilt- free as well – rather than the polystyren­e packaging used by many takeaways, Enzo’s has invested in recyclable materials. Unpacking the delivery from its giant brown paper bag, it felt like what was inside would be a cut above, and it was.

Operating from the stillunder­constructi­on Dargavel Village, Enzo’s is a newer option for diners in Bishopton and has another branch in Crookston. If I’m over that way, I’ll certainly pop in for some chips.

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