Glasgow Times



A SEX attacker raped a woman just hours after he had been freed from jail.

Thomas Gordon pounced on his victim who had earlier written a bogus letter to help get him released.

Gordon had got her to claim she did not want to press charges after he was held for assaulting and stalking her as well daubing graffiti at her home.

Jurors heard the 30 year-old had already carried out a sex attack on another woman.

Gordon now faces a lengthy jailterm after he was convicted of a total of 10 charges following a trial at the High Court in Glasgow.

The rape occurred at a house in Airdrie on September 20 2019.

Earlier that month, Gordon had kicked the woman on the head then left her terrified by leaving a string of texts and voicemails.

He also painted “abusive messages” on the walls and door of her home. Gordon eventually ended up on remand in HMP Addiewell.

But, he then contacted a relative of the woman to get in touch with her.

Gordon explained: “I asked to see if she could tell the court that the kick which happened was an accident.”

His lawyer Tony Lenehan put to him: “Was it intended to get the charges dropped?”

Gordon: “I was going to plead guilty to the vandalism charge.”

The woman went on to write “four pages of lies” for Gordon, who ended up being freed on bail on September 19.

That night he and the woman had a Chinese meal together.

But, the next morning, Gordon raped the victim, which included shouting and swearing at her as well as grabbing her by the throat.

Gordon claimed the woman had agreed to any sexual activity.

He insisted: “I am certainly not a rapist.”

However, on February 28 2019, he had pounced on another woman at a different address in Airdrie.

The sex attack saw violent Gordon stamp and kick on this victim as well as try to yank off some of her clothes. He was later behind a string of bizarre food deliveries to her home to “wind her up”.

Gordon had also punched and kicked on other occasions.

Among the charges, Gordon was convicted of raping one of the women, assaulting her and attempting to pervert the course of justice. He was further guilty of assaulting the other victim with intent to rape and physical attacking.

Gordon, of Airdrie, was also convicted of being threatenin­g and abusive to both. Lord Weir remanded him in custody pending sentencing next month.

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