Glasgow Times

Housing groups issue plea over budget focus


BUILDING affordable housing should be the “the cornerston­e of Scotland’s recovery”, Finance Secretary Kate Forbes has been told ahead of Thursday’s Budget.

A joint letter from 32 housing organisati­ons, charities and support groups has urged Ms Forbes, inset, to prioritise affordable homes and social housing when she announces the Scottish Government’s budget plans for the coming financial year.

The letter argues that at least 53,000 new affordable homes, including at least 37,100 for social rent, are needed by 2026.

In the letter to Ms Forbes, the housing representa­tives said:

“The Scottish Government has shown leadership, having committed to build a record number of social homes over the current parliament, but the need for affordable and social housing continues to rise.

“Homelessne­ss and a lack of housing is not inevitable, building more social and affordable housing will help to meet the demand for housing, from those that need it most.

“We urge you to use the Scottish Budget as the opportunit­y to commit to reducing housing need by making social and affordable homes the cornerston­e of Scotland’s recovery – rebuilding Scotland’s economy, invigorati­ng our communitie­s, creating more jobs, helping meet climate and child poverty targets, and building a brighter future.” Shelter Scotland director Alison Watson, a signatory to the letter, said: “In this week’s Budget, we’re looking for a clear statement of intent from the Scottish Government.

“The last year has shown us that providing quality housing is a matter of life and death.” Housing minister Kevin Stewart said: “We have already delivered nearly 97,000 affordable homes since 2007 and are determined to build on that achievemen­t.

“We recognise the importance of delivering more affordable homes and that’s why in November we increased the interim funding for the Affordable Housing Supply Programme in 2021-22 from £300 million to £500m ahead of this week’s Budget.

“This interim commitment and our plans for £2.8 billion capital investment in affordable housing as laid out in our draft Infrastruc­ture Investment Plan show our commitment to continuing to deliver affordable, warm, secure homes for the people of Scotland.”

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