Glasgow Times

How can we ban travel to England?


HOW can Nicola Sturgeon and Jason Leitch put restrictio­ns on people travelling to Manchester and Birmingham, then allow 20,000 fans to go to London to party and most of them were unvaccinat­ed?

It only a couple of thousand of them to catch the virus then bring it back then were back in lockdown for months.

But Nicola’s happy as she tweeted to everybody

“You sir,you all boogied”.

William McCarron

Having read your article on dog fouling the city’s debt could be resolved if the wardens handed out FPN at the top end of Forge St Germiston, the waste ground next to the Primary school is a dog toilet hourly each day a disgrace!

Name and address supplied

John Stewart is besides himself with praise for the forthcomin­g ‘very colourful’ Orange Order parades.

He talks about critics needing to look at their history.

No John, it’s the followers who need to brush up as they have no idea how evil this cult really is.

As for his brushing aside concerns about anti-Catholicis­m, this is the usual inability to accept reality.

MA (Glasgow)

Good on them. (‘Glasgow businesses back Tollcross workers faced with redundancy’, June 19).

A lot of hard working people there. They don’t deserve this.

David Mackinnon

Good luck to all the employees when the place closes and hopefully they can move on to better things.

Remember you are only a number in the workplace and easily dispensabl­e.

Simon Taylor

If they close Tollcross down, then boycott everything that they manufactur­e.

Hit them in the pocket with lower profits.

I will never knowingly buy any of their products now. James Curtis

Credit to Steve Clarke for his team selection and the performanc­e of each and everyone of them.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? One of our readers criticised Nicola Sturgeon for her well-wishes to Scotland fans in London; while boss Steve Clarke, inset, was praised
One of our readers criticised Nicola Sturgeon for her well-wishes to Scotland fans in London; while boss Steve Clarke, inset, was praised
 ??  ?? Donnie
 ??  ?? STAR PHOTO
 ??  ?? Alison Escobar captured this at the Botanical Gardens last week
Alison Escobar captured this at the Botanical Gardens last week
 ??  ?? Paul Fraser took a closer look
Paul Fraser took a closer look
 ??  ?? Sara Domi was seeing green
Sara Domi was seeing green

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